Page 102 of Sinful Desires

Squatting down beside her so that I could see her better, I brushed her hair off of her face. Her green eyes narrowed into dirty slits as she glared at me. I liked seeing her like this. Completely at our mercy—helpless.

“Get off me,” she seethed. “Before I fucking end you.”

“You’re not going to do that,” I reminded her. “Not if you want your friends to be left alone.” I didn’t want to tell her I knew about Raven spying on us. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if Aspen knew about it. Either way, I didn’t want to screw up our plans.

Her face paled, making my mouth curve into a grin.

“Good,” I continued. “Now that I have your attention…” I dropped my voice to a low tone so that no one could hear my next words. “After practice ends, you’re going to come with us. If I have to chase you, it won’t end well.” My gaze darted over to Collin who inclined his head in approval before I returned my attention to her. “This is the only warning you get.”

Grinding her teeth together, she nodded. Collin took that moment to move his foot and plant it against the ground, leaving her to scramble into a sitting position. Dirt and grass smothered the side of her face, and her hair was unkempt.

Aspen’s anger radiated from her in as she brought herself to her feet. She glanced between me and Collin like she didn’t know who to hate more right now. The last thing I expected was for her to lunge at one of us. A surprised laugh fluttered past my lips as she tackled Collin onto the ground before throwing her fist into his jaw.

His eyes widened in surprise, completely off guard. Before she could punch him again, I grabbed her wrist and hauled her off him. Flailing within my hold she kicked me in the shin, causing a series of cuss words to spill from my mouth.

My blood boiled as everything from the last two weeks came to a head. I was sick of playing these childish fucking games with her. As I was trying to restrain her, I could distinctly hear Collin telling everyone that practice was canceled for the day.

Somehow, I managed to get both hands behind her back, but that didn’t stop her from trying to kick me. Throwing her head back, it connected with my lip, sending a spurt of pain ricocheting through me. Before I could act on my anger, Jessica came into view, looking between the three of us hesitantly.

“What do you plan on doing with her?” she questioned.

The fact that she only seemed interested in me when another girl was involved pissed me off. “We’re going to take her into the woods and teach her a lesson,” I said truthfully.

She nodded thoughtfully. “I want in.”

Furrowing my eyebrows, I glanced at her in confusion. Jessica usually never wanted anything to do with violence. Maybe this bitch would be the key to getting Jessica back.

“Are you sure?” Collin questioned, probably thinking the same thing I was.

“Absolutely. She’s done nothing but cause issues since coming here. I want her to suffer just as much as you do.”

Collin’s gaze darted to me before he shrugged. “Okay,” he agreed. “What did you have in mind?”

Jessica’s face split into a sadistic grin before moving toward us. Aspen struggled against me, but my grip on her was too tight and it proved to be useless. Once she managed to reach us, her upper lip curled back in disgust.

“We had a deal,” Aspen hissed, making my eyebrows raise.

Jessica shrugged in response. “The thing about deals is…you can renegotiate.”

Before any of us knew what was happening, Jessica spit right in Aspen’s face, making her tense in my hold. As the girl in my arms came to terms with what had just happened, her entire body started trembling with fury.

As expected, she started fighting against me again, this time, adrenaline on her side. Somehow, she managed to slip her arm from my grip and elbow me in the ribs, forcing me to stumble backwards. This gave her the perfect opportunity to free herself completely, and she lunged at Jessica, tackling her to the ground.

Jessica let out a screech as Aspen maneuvered her way on top of her. Without missing a beat, she slammed her fist into Jessica’s face, forcing her head sideways.

“Stop!” Jessica screamed, right before she was punched again.

Collin and I exchanged looks, neither one of us in a hurry to haul her off Jess. After about the fifth hit, I stepped in and grabbed Aspen’s upper arm, jerking her backwards. Falling on her ass, she glared up at me. She might as well have been foaming out the mouth.

Returning my attention to Jessica, guilt trickled through me when I saw the blood and tears running down her face.

“Shit, Jess. Are you okay?” I questioned, kneeling beside her. Conflicting emotions roamed through my mind. On one hand, I hurt for her and the history we had. On the other hand, I wasn’t sure if I cared all that much. Deciding to focus on the anger instead, my blood boiled. “I’ll make her pay for this,” I assured her.

Wiping the tears from her face, she nodded and cupped her nose. “Kill the stupid bitch,” she hissed through her fingers—the sound coming out gargled.

While no one knew for sure that we’ve had a hand in a few of the disappearances that took place here, they’ve suspected. Reaching out, I tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “I can’t promise that I’ll kill her, but I can promise that she’ll suffer.”

Collin had Aspen against him, her gaze blazing with fury as she stared at the two of us. Her usually light eyes were ringed with bloodlust, her upper lip curled in distaste. Despite him having a tight grip on her, she squirmed against him, hoping that maybe his grip would slip on her as mine had right before she lunged at Jess. She was completely unaware that she was rubbing her ass against his groin, causing his jaw to feather.