“A club,” Hunter replied, gritting his teeth as he fought to keep from staring at the blonde bimbo who had just passed us.
She jerked away from him; her eyes crazed as she continued to take the place in inch by inch. “This isn’t like any club I’ve ever been to.”
I bit back my smile, locking gazes with Myles who shot me a wink. “I’m going upstairs,” I decided. “Oh…and Hunter?” I turned to face him, his eyes clashing with mine. “Why don’t you give Jessica a tour of the place? It might make her feel more…comfortable.” Hunter shot me a lethal glare, and it took everything in me not to laugh.
Collin snorted in amusement before clapping Hunter on the back and moving toward the VIP area.
“Can we not do this here?” He pleaded with her, annoyance evident in his tone.
Why the fuck would you bring her here in the first place? I thought he’d cancel as soon as Myles told him where we were going. He couldn’t have actually believed she’d be okay with this.
Jessica whirled on him, shoving a finger into his chest. “This is a sex club, isn’t it?” She demanded, disbelief and anger contorting that flawless face of hers. “You were going to come here alone,” she accused. “Were you planning on cheating on me?”
He ran a frustrated hand down his face and shook his head. He was lying and we all knew it. Hunter might have been a great, loyal boyfriend once upon a time ago, but he was withering away in the toxicity that was Jessica.
“Jess, please.”
“Fine. We can leave.” She motioned toward the exit; her face turning pink from rage.
“And this is why I hate bitches,” I pointed out unapologetically. Myles barked a laugh, while Hunter shot me a pointed look as if to tell me that I wasn’t helping.
Jessica’s attitude had nothing to do with why I really hated women. No, that stemmed from my mother who was currently buried in the fucking ground.
May the devil not have mercy on her soul.
I inclined my head toward the stairs, leaving Myles to take the lead since Collin had already abandoned us.
Once we reached the top, Collin was already seated on the sofa with his phone in the palm of his hand. Aside from the three of us, the room was empty. For now.
Myles took the chair on the far side of the room, keeping his distance from the rest of us as he liked to do. A stage—much smaller than the one downstairs—sat front and center with a pole protruding from it.
Just as we were getting comfortable, a woman, similar to the blonde we’d seen downstairs, approached us, carrying a circular tray with champagne flutes on it. The pasties she wore were red, and they also matched her thong.
We all accepted a drink and then she handed me a stack of papers. The perk of being VIP meant that we got to choose our own company, and we got private food service too.
I handed the packet to Myles, keeping the food menu to myself for now.
“What the fuck, dude! Why does he get to pick?” Collin blurted out, folding his arms over his chest.
“Because. I’m tired of Madison look-alikes.”
Myles snorted in amusement as I dropped my gaze to the menu, scanning over the multiple food choices. It didn’t take me long to figure out what I wanted, and then I passed the menu over to Collin who grumbled something about me being an asshole.
The mostly naked woman smiled suggestively at me when I caught her eye. She was holding a notebook, a pen in hand as she waited for my order. The way she was looking at me had my stomach curling with unease.
“What’s the matter with you boy, you into guys, or some shit?”
My father’s voice echoed in my skull, making my throat tighten. I mumbled off what I wanted, before diverting my attention.
Rage started to overpower the high I’d been feeling moments before, and the powerful emotion started bleeding into my brain, preventing me from thinking properly. Reality hit me like a truck as the drug started to dissipate.
It disgusted me how little these women respected themselves, and it disgusted me how tempting their bodies were. I was mad at myself for wanting to look, and mad at them for making me feel this way.
The woman’s large tits hung down to her ribs, and the pasties did little to hide her nipples.
I would never be like my mother or father. They were both sick people, who had to fuck others in order to survive. My mom had been a prostitute for as long as I’d known her, and Dad hadn’t cared as long as he was getting paid and had access to the other women Mom brought around.
I ground my teeth together as I forced those unwanted thoughts away. They didn’t deserve anymore of my time, even if they were dead. A frustrated breath left me as the waitress gathered up the menus and assured us that our company would be arriving soon.