Page 76 of Sinful Desires

“You should have kept running,” his voice called out. Straightening my spine, I glanced around but he was nowhere in sight.

“Unbelievable,” I muttered.

Stepping out of the shadows like some kind of serial killer, his gaze never left mine. Sputtering, I took a step back once I realized how close we were. Not a single hair on him was out of place, indicating that there was no way he could have ran here.


His jaw tightened, making me take another step away from him. But he was in front of me before I could even think of running again. Reaching out, he grabbed my arm in a tight grip as he jerked me toward him.

“I know every route to every tunnel, building, and passageway on campus. You were warned before you ran, and I’m tired of going easy on you.”

Disbelief washed over me. “You and your friends fucking burned me,” I reminded him.

“That was child’s play,” he bit back. “Do you honestly think that’s all we’re capable of?”

My teeth ground together as I processed that. Of course, they were capable of more. I didn’t doubt that for a second. Sometimes it was easy to forget that they were all monsters in some way.

“I just figured you’d get bored eventually.”

He smirked at that, the action only shedding light to the whole bad boy look he had going for him. “I’ll never get bored of torturing you,” he purred, his eyelids hooding as if the mere thought of causing me pain satisfied him. “Your screams are like my own personal brand of heroine,” he continued, peering down at me. “I’ll never be able to get enough.”

Goosebumps attacked my skin at that declaration. “So what?” I countered, doing my best to keep the fear out of my voice. “Are you taking me to the cell, or the cellar?”

He laughed, the sound rumbling deep within his chest. I attempted a step back, but his grip around my arm tightened, preventing me from putting any amount of space between us at all.

“I guess you’ll find out soon enough.”

“We have to be at the gym tonight,” I reminded him, desperation filling me. “Gia and Raven know I’m with you, they’ll—”

“They’ll what?” he challenged, arching an eyebrow. “Tell on me?” When I said nothing, his smirk widened into a grin. “Besides,” he continued, waving a dismissive hand around in the air. “No one actually saw us leave the building together.”

A lump formed in my throat. He could kill me and get away with it if he really wanted to. My face heated as the fear within me became overpowering. Despite my best attempt at keeping it buried. I knew it probably did no good. Myles could smell fear like it was a brand of cologne.

Defeat washed over me. No one was going to help me. I didn’t have any choice but to go with him. Even if I refused, he’d just throw me over his shoulder and make me pay for it when he got me alone.

“What do you want with me?” I forced out.

“I’m taking you into the woods,” he answered. Where the cellar is. I could live with that. I mean, it beat the alternative.

Nodding, I allowed him to tug me between the two buildings and through the alley. Neither one of us spoke. The only sounds were the twigs and pebbles beneath our feet as we navigated our way toward the soccer fields. It was only Saturday, so it wasn’t like I’d be missed at school.

Once we approached the open field, I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone could see us through their windows or if they were still sleeping. Not that they’d do anything.

It didn’t take long for us to reach the woods, and as soon as we slipped through the trees, the sun seemed to fade out of existence. There were flecks of light through gaps in the trees, but not enough to make me feel comfortable.

“I want to play a game,” he finally said, turning to face me as he released my wrist. On instinct, I rubbed it as relief slithered through the dainty bone. “It’s one you should remember.”

Any game that we’ve ever played hasn’t been one I enjoyed. I knew this wouldn’t be any different. “Myles,” I whispered as fear riddled my body once more. He wasn’t taking me to the cellar. I had no idea what he wanted from me so on instinct, I stepped away from him. “Don’t.”

“Shhh.” His fingertips brushed along the sharp edge of my cheekbone, making me flinch. “You were warned.”

My body started to shake as my lungs struggled to work properly. A single tear slipped from my eye as my brain worked hard, thinking about all the things he could do to me out here and no one would ever know. Another tear slipped free, and then another until I was full on sobbing. Anxiety curled my stomach, making me feel sick.

A low groan worked its way out of his throat, and he strode forward until he managed to back me into a tree. His entire body was against mine, making it impossible not to feel how hard he was through his pants which only made me cry harder.

I felt weak—helpless. I already knew he was much, much stronger than me and that he could easily overpower me if he wanted. There was literally nothing I could do. He dropped his face into the crook of my neck, his lips brushing against the delicate skin there.

“You can change your appearance,” he whispered, his warm breath feathering across my skin. “Change your personality,” he continued, dropping his lips to my exposed shoulder. “Dress differently even.” His hands moved up my body until they were wrapped around my waist. “But you will always be my little dove.”