When we reached the cafeteria, Gia was waiting for us in a booth. Raven and I both sat across from her, causing her dark eyes to lock on us. Her face lit up and she passed a sandwich in front of the both of us.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I examined the food item. “What’s this?” I questioned.
“A sandwich. Obviously.” She rolled her eyes, causing Raven to snicker in amusement from beside me.
“No shit,” I retorted. “But why is it sitting in front of me?”
“Just eat it,” Raven said with a dismissive wave of her hand as she started unwrapping her food item.
Hesitantly, I obliged, following Raven’s lead. The first bite I took had my eyes widening in surprise. The breading wasn’t dry like expected, and there was more than enough meat on the damn thing to satisfy my taste buds.
“How did your classes go?” Gia inquired, looking over at me as she took a gulp of her vitamin water.
I shrugged. “Fine. None of the teachers made me introduce myself to the class or anything like that.” Which I was more than thankful for.
“Ugh. I hate when they do that.” She rolled her eyes; a grimace twisting her features.
“Right?” I blew out a breath. “I’m more concerned about how I’m going to get some damn money around here.” Not that I really needed it, but it would be nice. I took another bite of my sandwich as my mind raced. Even if I managed to earn some cash, how would I spend it? “Can we even leave campus?”
“The only way you can leave the academy is if you have the code. The gate wraps around the entire school, and it’s impossible to climb,” Gia explained.
Furrowing my eyebrows, I placed my sandwich down before wiping my hands across my leggings. “Well, how do I get the code?”
“You don’t,” Raven chipped in. “The school only permits a handful of students to have it, and it’s really hard to get it.”
“But…” Gia trailed on, snagging my attention again. “If you want to earn some extra cash, there’s this fight club the school runs every weekend.”
My eyes widened in disbelief. The school hosts its own fight club? That didn’t sound legal.
“It pays good,” she continued, resting her elbows on the tabletop. She flexed her hands, my gaze catching on the discoloration of her knuckles.
“Tell me more.” I smirked. “How does one go about getting involved?”
Gia shrugged in response, taking another drink of her water. “It’s pretty simple. Just ask Mr. Monroe.”
“Our history teacher?” I questioned in astonishment.
When she nodded, I sat back in my seat, my mind a jumbled mess. Considering I had first period with him, that seemed easy enough. It also seemed like a conversation that should be held in private.
Fighting wasn’t something I made a habit out of. I’d only been in about three, and they couldn’t fight at all. I didn’t go around punching people for the hell of it, and sometimes it was fun. However, the last thing I expected was to ever get in a fighting ring.
Maybe what I needed was to get my ass handed to me a few times. A smirk twisted my lips as I thought about that. The idea shouldn’t have sounded so appealing, but it did.
Maybe I really did belong here.
Chapter 6
Madison has been giving me the silent treatment since Jessica snitched about what we’d all been up to over the weekend. It wasn’t even like I remembered the hooker’s name. Brenda? Bessie? Bethany? Did it even start with a B at all?
Madison continued to glare at me, her arms crossed over her chest. Her pink skirt rode up her thighs, awakening the animal within me.
“How many times do I have to say it?” I questioned, kneeling between her legs as she sat on the edge of my bed. “I said I was sorry.”
“That’s not enough, Collin,” she snapped. “You just keep proving to me that your word doesn’t mean shit. So why the hell should I believe you?”