Page 41 of Minefield

“So do I” I sigh. I uncross my arms and tap on the table, then stand. “Thirsty?” I ask, heading towards the fridge. Issac chuckles.

“Sure, whatcha got?”

I swing the fridge open. “Uh let’s see. Water, water, water with a splash of lemon and oh! More water,”

“Jesus, is that all Nathan drinks?” Issac asks.

“Yep, he says it helps with his figure or whatever the fuck. So, which is it?”

“I guess a water” Issac says laughing. I giggle and pour us both glasses.

“So, where’d you go?” I ask him as I come back to the table, setting down our drinks. Issac reaches out and takes a large sip before answering me.

“I went looking for something,” he says without looking at me. My heart flutters. I immediately think the worst. He’s moved on. Shut the fuck up, brain.

I clear my throat. “Did you find it?”

“I think I did. Well, I hope so. Not sure just yet,” he explains.

“Whys that?” I ask, confused. Issac leans back and starts digging in his pants pocket, then he pulls something out. It’s a key. He sets it down on the table and pushes it towards me. “What’s this?” I ask, picking it up. It looks like a house key.

“Hopefully our future,”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Her face pales. “Our future?” she repeats what I said.

“I went to Gardenstone,” I say nonchalantly.

“Wait what?” she says, dropping the key onto the table. “Issac spit it out. What is this?”

“I bought a house,” I blurt out. “In Gardenstone,”

Her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open. She puts the key down on the table and sighs. Then she slaps the table and stands.

“God, I wanna hate you so fucking bad,” she shouts.

“So, you’ve said” I reply. She turns to me and glares.


“Because Gardenstone is my end goal,” I say to her. “It’s where I wanna lay my roots. Hopefully, with you,”

Tears fill her eyes. “I-I can’t do this right now,” she says, then turns away from me and starts stomping her way towards the stairs.

“Oh, no you don’t” I say, standing up and chasing after her. I get to the top of the stairs and watch her dash into a room. I sprint down the hall and stick my foot in the door so she can’t shut it.

“Issac, I swear to fuck,” she yells, still trying to shut the door. I push my body against it and push it open. She stumbles back and stares at me.

“What just happened down there?” I ask, confused about what had just occurred.

“You Issac!”

“I don’t- “

“My heart immediately wanted me to say yes once you handed my that key because I know what it means. But my brain is telling me no because of what you did,”