Page 43 of Minefield

“Fuck,” I whisper to myself. “Pull your shit together,” I say to myself again.

I’m ripped from my thoughts when Issac opens one of the back doors, grabbing some of our bags.

“Here,” he says, tossing me the key card to the room. “Fourth floor, room 201. I’ll be there in a few minutes with our bags. I just need to make a quick call to Jay and see how things are going.”

“Okay,” I say as I get out. I shuffle over to the hotel doors. I walk in and look for the elevator. The receptionist must see me looking because he speaks up and points.

“Down that hall, to your left,” he says with a smile.

“Thank you,” I say and smile back. I head towards the elevator and head to our room.

I finally find our room and slide the key card in unlocking it. I walk in and look around. The first thing I notice are the two beds. I don’t know what else I expected. I’m the one that asked for time, and he’s somewhat granting me that. I sigh and toss my phone and the key card onto one of the beds. I look around for the bathroom. I spot it and immediately dash inside.

I start the shower and undress. I step in and let the lukewarm water flow down my body. I squeeze my eyes shut and stand there until my legs can no longer hold me. I open my eyes and press my back against the wall and slide down until I’m sitting.

As I rest my head against the wall and close my eyes again, I feel my heart slowly twisting more, to the point where it hurts my chest and takes away my breath. A choked sob escapes my lips. I didn’t know I was crying until more sobs escape.

I’m so confused. My heart says one thing, and my mind says another. I’m at a standstill, waiting for this time I’m taking to heal. But it’s not. And it’s killing me.


I sit outside the bathroom door and listen to her sobs. I decide she still needs the space and turn around and head back towards the beds. The room is spacious. It has dark hardwood floors and cream walls. The queen-sized beds are perfectly spaced out, balancing everything in the spacious room. To the left of one bed, there’s large windows and a door that leads out to a balcony.

I walk over to the door and open it, then I step out onto the balcony. It overlooks a small pond and is pointed directly at the mountains that line the horizon. I pull out a joint and light it, then lean over the railing and take in the night sky. The only light is coming from the moon.

“Showers free,” I hear a faint whisper from behind me. I lean up from the railing and turn around. Delilah stands in the doorway to the balcony with a towel wrapped tightly around her body.

I nod. “Want a hit?” I say, passing her the joint before putting it out. She steps out onto the balcony, barefoot, and takes the joint. She walks over to the railing and looks around while taking a hit.

“It’s quiet,” she whispers while looking out into the distance.

“It is” I agree with her. I watch as the moon illuminates the side over her face, showing her pure natural beauty. I take in the skin that isn’t covered with the towel. I trace the ink she has on her skin with my eyes.

She shifts from one foot to the other. “Is this what the house is like?” she asks me, pulling me away from my trance.

“Personally, I think the house is better. But I’ll let you be the judge of that,” I say with a smirk. I hear her let out a little laugh, which warms my heart.

“We’ll see,” she says as she turns around and hands me back the joint. “I’m gonna head to bed. Goodnight”

“Goodnight,” I say as she brushes past me. I stand on the balcony and finish the joint, hopefully giving her enough time to get dressed and settle in bed.

I step back into the room and quietly shut the door and lock it, then I close the blackout curtains so the sun doesn’t wake us when it comes up, then I head to the shower.

Chapter Thirty-Four


I roll over and look at Delilah’s bed. It’s empty. I shoot up and throw the blankets off me and frantically look around the room. My heart beating a thousand beats a second. Then I see it. The blackout curtain is slightly moving. I walk over to it and feel a little breeze coming through. I slowly push the curtain away and see Delilah sitting in one of the chairs, watching the sun rise. She must’ve heard me because her head snaps towards me.

“Hey” she says to me then looks back out at the horizon. I step out onto the balcony and join her.

“Hey” I say as I sit down on the cold metal chair. I notice I’m still only in my boxers. I didn’t quite think about getting dressed during my frantic search. But I’m gonna sit here and tough it out because I don’t want to miss this moment with her. I glance over at her and see she’s wearing one of the hotels black robes. She has her legs tucked under her in the chair, a blanket under her so the metal doesn’t cut into her as she sits there. Mother nature must be torturing me because the sun is lighting her up perfectly and a light breeze blows the short strands of hair away from her face.

“The sunrise is in that direction,” she says, pointing towards the horizon. I see her glance over at me and her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink.

“I know,” I say, continuing to watch her. She smiles and shakes her head.

“So, what’s the plan for today?” she asks.