Page 29 of Minefield

“Hey babe!” she says, reaching out for a hug.

“Hi” I say, hugging her back. I let go and look around the club for Issac.

“He’s in the back lot,” Doll said, tilting her head towards the back door that leading to the back parking lot of the garage.

“Thank you,” I say with a smile. I part ways and begin making my way to the back lot. I push open the door and look around. The sun began to set and the clubs outside streetlights light up the area. Then I see light shining out from the barn door where Issac keeps his parent’s car.

I walk towards the light. I hear talking coming from inside the barn, so I knock on the old wooden door instead of interrupting.

“Yo!” I hear Issac voice from the other side. I push the door open and walk in. Issac and Jay have his parent’s car torn apart. The doors and hood are pulled off. Issac and Jay are leaned over the car’s front bumper looking in where the engine is.

“What’s going on?” I ask, walking in further, looking around. Issac whips around and looks at me.

“We’ll get to this in a minute. First, I wanna know how it went,” Issac says with a smile. He starts wiping his hands on his oil-stained overhauls.

Before I can say anything, Jay speaks up. “I’ll see you guys inside,” he says, giving us both a smile. Issac nods, then brings his attention back to me.

“So? How’d it go?” he asked, leaning against a work counter behind him.

“It actually went well. We talked about a few things,” I say, while looking at the torn apart car.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Issac asks. I can feel his eyes on me as I move around the car.

“We talked about when I was in school, my history with religion,” I sigh and roll my eyes. “Ryan,” I say with a snicker. Issac laughs and shakes his head. “And then you,” I say as I make my way all the way around the car. I stand in front of Issac and look up at him. He grins.

“What about me?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh ya know, how much of an asshole you were to me when we first met,”

Issacs jaw drops. “Hey now,” he says as he starts walking towards me. I giggle and start to back up.

“Hey, I was only telling the truth!” I laugh.

“Oh, yeah?” he says as he picks up the pace. I squeal and run around the car. He closes behind me, laughing. “And did you tell her how much of a little shit you we’re?”

“Excuse me?!” I shout, stopping on the other side of the car, looking over at him. We’re both panting.

“You heard me,” he says with an evil grin. I look down and see an oiled, covered cloth and grab it, whipping it at his head. He ducks, so it flies over him. “See what I mean! A little shit!” he shouts. I run for the door, but he catches me, wrapping his arms around my waist. We’re both laughing as he drags me back into the barn. He spins me around and lifts me up, setting me down on the counter. He steps between my legs and leans against the counter. He smiles at me.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. I feel my cheeks heating up. I smile but look away from him. “Don’t look away from me,” he says as he grabs my chin and turns my head to face him again. We haven’t been intimate with each other since what happened with his brother and uncle.

I look at him, but then quickly look away. He sighs. “Question?” he says.

“I might have an answer,” I smile.

He grins. “Would you go back to school if you had the chance?”

I look at him, a little confused, and think about my answer. “Honestly? I think I would.”

“You were going for equine studies, right?” he asks. I answer him with a nod. “Alright. What if I told you that you might’ve been accepted into one of the best colleges for equine studies?” he says with a smirk. My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

“What?” I squeak.

“You heard me,” he smiles. “Have you ever heard of a place called Gardenstone?”

“No fucking way. Issac, that college is like impossible to get into unless you have hella money or a scholarship. And I have neither,” I say, freaking out a little. All he does is grins.

“Issac? What did you do?” I ask him in a stern tone.