Page 10 of The Suspicious Mate

Part of him still fought the idea that such a spiritual union was real, but the bigger part of him was elated that such a union existed, and Fate, something he never believed in, sent him someone so special and made just for him. He brought his focus back to the job at hand when he saw movement by the trees on the far side of the building.

He approached quickly before the man could escape and grabbed him by the coat collar, hauling him backward and nearly off his feet. He was a local who was involved in petty crime, nothing too damaging. Noa didn't know him but knew of him and had seen him around the strip.

"What are you doing here?" Noa held him and gave him a shake when he didn't answer immediately. "Don't make me get rough with you. Just answer my question."

"I was heading home. I live near the rail yard. I was just cutting through this alley. I wasn't doing anything." The lies were rolling off him, but Noa didn't care all he wanted was information regarding the jackal scent. This man was wolf scruffy and weak but still stronger and more dangerous than a human.

“Don’t lie to me.” He shook him again and began to shift to let the guy know Noa was prepared to take this further.

"Okay, okay, take it easy I wasn't doing anything really, just checking for unlocked doors. I didn't find any and was on my way home." He was approaching the truth, but there was still information he was hiding.

“Do you work for the jackal?” Noa put it out there to see his reaction.

"What jackal?" Noa tightened his grip on the man's collar, twisting and cutting off his air.

“Don’t play with me.” Noa got in his face and let him see his bear. Noa was a grizzly large angry grizzly who hadn’t been let out in a while and was more than ready to take a round or two out of a mangy wolf.

"I don't work for him, but I know who you're talking about. He was here earlier but left with his men. He runs with a few other jackals, and there was a wolf in the mix too. I don't know why they were here. They just hung around out front for a few minutes and then took off. They didn't stay or cause any problems." He was telling the truth, so Noa released him and pushed him away.

“Do you know his name?”

The wolf shook his head and stepped back, careful and calculated. He was preparing to run, and Noa didn't care. "He's part of that gang, the grays." He said this and then took off and was quickly out of sight.

That was news Noa was not pleased to hear. The grays had grown from a few rogue jackals committing small crimes around town to an organized group of angry shifters gaining power and pushing their influence. Jackals still ruled the gang and were in the majority, but there were other shifters involved, such as wolves and cougars.

These were animals that would normally never associate with jackals, so the union was surprising. It was assumed that they wouldn’t last and that the group would end up eating its own, but unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. It might be time to actually take a long look at this group and decide if their existence ran contrary to the greater good of the shifter world.

Noa knew one thing for sure, if any of them started sniffing around his mate, they would not be long for this world. Kallan was precious and innocent, and Noa would protect him to his last breath. He no longer denied their connection and felt stupid for even trying. Kallan belonged to him, and the growing possessiveness of both him and his bear made it clear they would not be satisfied until Kallan was bonded and their union secured.

Noa finished his sweep of the area and then returned to his truck, where he sat for several hours just waiting and watching. The jackals did not return, and by four, he decided to head home to get some sleep before picking Kallan up at nine. He drove away slowly, taking in the entire area, and saw nothing to cause alarm. His gut was telling him to be vigilant where his mate was concerned, so he would look into the actions of the grays and keep a close eye on Kallan.

Kallan got up early since he barely slept; it seemed unnecessary to remain in bed. The man on the street and the call from Noa played on his mind all night long. The handsome man was front and center most of the night when that creep with the yellow eyes wasn't interfering. Kallan checked out his windows several times during the night but never saw him again, thank goodness. By morning Noa was dominating his thoughts, and the creep had all but disappeared.

It was nearing nine o’clock when he finished getting ready. It took a while as he kept changing clothes, trying to find the outfit that suited the day and the event and also made him look drop-dead gorgeous. He gave up pretending he wasn't attracted to Noa and decided he was an adult and would give whatever he got from Mr. Noa. If he became difficult and insulting, then Kallan would give it right back, but if he remained the interested and concerned man of last evening, then all possibilities were on the table.

He was pacing the floor at ten to nine when his phone rang. He checked it immediately, hoping that it wasn't Noa canceling their plans. With a smile, he answered. "Hello, Mac." He said and rolled his eyes. His cousin checking up on him as usual.

"Noa, there yet?"

"Not yet; it isn't nine."

"I hope you have a good time today. I have a feeling that you and Noa were meant for each other." Mac began, but Kallan cut him off.

"None of that 'meant for each other' talk. This is one date, and considering his track record, I'm not holding out for much more." Kallan continued his guise of disinterest when talking to Mac because he didn't want him to run off and tell Noa that he thought he was gorgeous.

When Mac got an idea in his head, he would refuse to let it go, like convincing Kallan to move to Cincinnati. It took him a couple of years of selling the place to him, but Kallan finally caved and moved. Now he has it in his head that Kallan and Noa would be great friends. If Kallan gave him the slightest inkling that he was truly interested, then Mac would never let it go, and that could lead to embarrassment.

"Well, have a good time and keep an open mind when it comes to Noa. He might not turn out to be the love of your life, but he could be a great friend." Mac signed off after Kallan started to groan uncomfortably. "Okay, I'll stop." He chuckled, and Kallan closed the call.

At that moment, there was a knock on his door, and he rushed over to open it, forgetting that he'd planned to play it cool today. Noa stood there with a smile and a twinkle in those dark eyes, and Kallan's heart expanded, so pleased that he was there. "Good morning." He said and stepped back, indicating that Noa should step inside, so he did. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but for some reason, he wanted Noa in his space. He wanted him to see his place.

Noa walked to the large window in the living room and pushed the curtain aside, and looked down to the street below. "Is this the window you saw the strange guy out on the street?" He asked, remembering what they talked about last night.

"Yes, but I think I was making monsters where there weren't any." Kallan dismissed.

“Maybe you should stay with Mac for a few nights.” He suggested.

“I’m not running from my home because I think I saw something that scared me. It was late and dark, and my mind was not my friend.” Kallan laughed nervously.