Page 52 of Resisting Allie

“Just vibrators,” she returned, seeing no reason to shy from the truth just because she hadn’t needed her bedside buddy since meeting Brett. “I have a favorite, but maybe I’ll replace it with your gift.” Allie wiggled again, admitting enjoying the quick spasms up and down her pussy the pressure against the vibrator created. If only he wasn’t intent on making her wait for release. She both hated and loved when he did that.

“Feel free. I’m glad you like them.” He signaled then turned onto the highway, lifting a hand to one of his cowboys as they left the ranch.

Allie also waved, enjoying an easy friendship with the ranch employees after getting to know them these past weeks she’d lived with Brett. Hanging out with the guys, riding whenever she wanted, and sleeping spooned against Brett were just a few of the perks living with him offered.

“I can’t picture Gina liking such a gift.” They’d discussed their exes numerous times, both still surprised how Ricky and Gina had conspired to draw her away from Brett and back to Ricky, making sure they each had alibis when the other was harassing her. When he remained silent, she glanced over, taking in his taut jawline as he stared out the windshield with a tight grip on the steering wheel. Allie sighed. “They were a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. It doesn’t bother me to talk about them, and it shouldn’t you. You’re finally free of her, and it didn’t cost you any more time or money.”

“You’re more forgiving than I am,” he returned, his voice rough with emotion. “I didn’t want to be rid of her at your expense, but it does give me perverse satisfaction picturing her wearing that ankle bracelet for the next year and going stir crazy confined to her house, not to mention the dent in her finances the lawyers cost her.”

Allie shifted on the seat again, her lips curling recalling his punishment when, as the injured party, she had agreed to Gina’s plea bargain in exchange for testifying against Ricky. A year confined to a house, no matter how nice, would be no picnic for a woman as social and greedy as Brett’s ex. Ricky had committed the physical attacks and kidnapping and was lucky to spend his ten-year sentence in a minimum security jail with a good mental counselor.

“Speaking of your perversity...” She rubbed a nipple as he veered down the gravel drive to Casey’s. “How long are you going to torture me?”

Brett parked and cut the engine, glancing at her with a small smile. “The evening has just started, little one.”

She groaned, not sure she would survive.

It had only taken three months, threats against her life, a kidnapping, and giving two depositions to the lawyers Ricky and Gina had hired before her wish to attend one of the Kincaid brother’s private parties had come true. Brett had insisted she move out to his place the very next day after rescuing her from their deranged exes, and since that was what she wanted also, she hadn’t argued.

There were only a handful of cars in the lot since Casey’s was closed tonight, but Allie thought the number looked just right for a newbie like her. Although, after sleeping with Brett for two months now and getting to know his kinks and desires, she didn’t consider herself a newbie any longer until the vehicles reminded her they wouldn’t be alone. Exhibitionism and voyeurism were new, unexplored kinks.

“As you know, this isn’t a formal club. Between the ranch, and Reed’s and my other jobs, our time is limited, so we decided to open the membership to a select group of friends we’ve met over the years in the lifestyle. There are no set rules or strict guidelines except those agreed upon between couples. Any questions, ask me, or someone not engaged in a scene.”

“Got it.” She nodded, excited by finally getting her wish to explore what the draw was for him and others. “But if you make me wait too long for relief from these toys, I’ll take care of the itch you’re responsible for myself.”

Pulling her hands free of his, Allie hopped out of the truck before he could respond. Brett caught up with her when she reached the stairs and hauled her against that rock-hard body she was now familiar with yet still responded to with instant heat from the slightest contact.

“Feel free,” he said smugly, taking her hand again. “Then I’ll have an excuse to entertain everyone by administering your first public spanking. I know they’ll enjoy that as much as I.”

Allie found it odd that the thought of displeasing him bothered her more than a public humiliation. Before she could form a reply, he tugged her up the stairs and opened the door to the low beat of a sultry tune playing from hidden speakers. The dim, recessed lighting and moonlit skylights offered enough illumination for Allie to recognize Casey’s manager, Jordon, seated to the left with his hand resting on the pink butt of the woman draped over his knees. His partner appeared relaxed and content with him caressing her upturned cheeks while he conversed with the man seated next to them.

“Huh,” Allie mumbled, surprised at the frisson of envy shooting through her when Jordon sat the woman up and cuddled her on his lap.

Brett hung his hat on a peg to his side then looked at her with an uplifted brow. Placing his other hand on her lower back, he pressed, guiding her toward the corner bar where Reed and Slade stood. “Not much fazes you, does it, little one?”

Allie loved that grin when she amused him, and how she could clearly see his eyes without his hat. Although, she mused, she also loved the sexy look of him wearing his Stetson tugged low over his forehead.

“A lot more has since meeting you,” she teased, sliding onto a stool at the bar.

“Your girl looks pleased with herself,” Slade said, his hand resting on Deb’s bare thigh as she leaned against him on the stool.

“Usually at my expense. Allie, you remember Deb.” Brett nodded at the brunette. “You met at the picnic.”

Allie grinned, returning Deb’s friendly smile. “I do. Hey, Deb.”

“Hey, Allie. I’m glad you could join us tonight. Maybe we can chat later,” Deb offered.

“Thanks. I’d like that.”

The support from Brett’s brothers and parents, the ranch hands and friends who had stopped by the house meant the world to Allie these past weeks while coming to terms with the mistakes she’d made with Ricky. Her gullibility still rankled, but it was something she had in common with Brett and his feelings about his ex’s involvement in what she’d gone through. Together, they would deal with those regrets, get over them, and move on.

A soft cry drew Allie’s attention to the padded cross in the corner. The woman with her arms and legs restrained in wide Vs to the four corners arched her chest, embracing the next swing of a multistrand flogger by the man in front of her. “Huh,” Allie mumbled again, at a loss for any other response to the pleasure etched on her face from the painful looking red stripes adorning her breasts. Her gaze clung to her partner, as if she needed something only he could provide, something more than sexual release.

Reed handed over their beers from behind the bar then reached across and tugged Allie’s hair. “If that’s your only reaction, maybe Brett should give you a taste.”

Allie resisted the urge to rub her scalp, the tinges from that yank oddly pleasant. “Maybe he should,” she replied, nudging Brett with her elbow, more interested in Reed’s suggestion than meeting anyone else right now. After all these weeks of reaping exultant pleasure from Brett’s sexual control and undivided attention, she understood the freedom the lifestyle offered. She figured that would aid her in shedding her inhibitions over ceding to him that control in public. It helped there wasn’t an ounce of reservation etched on the submissives’ faces who were already engaged in a scene. And she’d waited so long to try one of these apparatuses, why delay?

“Why does your enthusiasm not surprise me?” he murmured, the heated look in Brett’s eyes going straight to Allie’s pussy.