Page 47 of Resisting Allie

Chapter Eleven

“Tell me I saw BrettKincaid leave your apartment with you this morning.”

Allie grinned at Celia from behind her desk, the expectant gleam in her friend’s eyes matching the pleasurable rush Allie experienced when she thought of his fierce protectiveness and the profound caring in his gaze. “You saw Brett Kincaid leaving my apartment this morning.”

Celia patted her chest. “Girl, you made my day. Let’s go eat, and you can fill me in with details, lots of descriptive details.”

Grabbing her purse, she stood, saying, “It’ll have to be the cafeteria today. I’ll explain while we eat.” Even though she chafed at the restrictions Brett had insisted on when his friend couldn’t provide extra security for her until next week, she understood the need for them. She promised him she wouldn’t leave the city building until it was time to clock out and would walk to her car with Celia or Chuck the security guard.

They went through the buffet where Allie picked up a chef salad then joined Celia at a table near the windows that offered a view of the city park. The lunchroom was about half full, and, after Allie checked to make sure no one was within hearing range, she relaxed and prepared to earn her friend’s wrath for keeping quiet about her troubles.

“I can’t believe you waited until now to tell me all that,” Celia grumbled when Allie finished. “Have you spoken to Penny or Laura?”

She stabbed some deli turkey and lettuce with her fork, shaking her head. “No, and I don’t want you telling them, not yet. Brett’s staying with me until we figure out who’s behind the harassment.”

“Well now, that might make it worth putting up with a deranged stalker for a short period.” Celia set her iced tea down and leaned forward to whisper, “He must get creative for you to give up some of your independence.”

“I’ll let you know how creative after tomorrow. He’s invited me to their private play party.” That invitation, along with Allie’s imagination, were responsible for the vivid dreams that had kept her awake and aroused last night, the perfect antidote to the anxiety of dealing with a stranger intent on causing her grief.

Shaking her head, Celia sat back with a rueful smile. “You always were the adventurous one in our group. I’ll live through you and let you tell me all about it this weekend. Be careful, Allie.”

“I will, and I trust Brett,” she assured her friend.

Celia bit into her tuna salad croissant sandwich, talking while chewing. “With your body or your safety?”

“Both,” she returned without hesitation, tensing when Celia’s gaze sharpened. Allie’s discovery of her deeper feelings was still too new for her to share much more with any of her close, well-meaning friends. She was still coming to terms with falling for a guy for the first time.

“Oh. My. God. You’re in love with him.” A slow smile blossomed across Celia’s face.

Allie blew out a deep breath; hearing the truth voiced aloud somehow calming her mixed emotions over the unexpected development. “Yeah, afraid so. It’s not so bad, really. In fact, it’s kind of nice.”

“Does he feel the same? He’d better. And if he fails to keep you safe, he’ll answer to me and Penny and Laura.” Celia shrugged. “Just saying.”

Damn, it’s good to have friends.

“Honestly, I don’t think so. At least, he’s never let on about wanting more, and given what his ex is putting him through, I can’t blame him and won’t push. So I’ll take what I can get and go from there.” The admission caused a pang in her chest, yet her time with Brett was worth the risk of a little heartache.

The afternoon whizzed by even with Allie having trouble focusing on work. Her mind kept straying to what she’d seen in the room above Casey’s, the possibilities endless for ways Brett could torture her into intense pleasure. Every time she was with him, he took her higher than she’d achieved with the few other men she’d slept with; his intense focus on her and her needs turned her inside out in more ways than one. She hoped tomorrow night would reveal whether those exultant highs were due to kinks she never imagined she would get off on or the development of deeper feelings.

Celia met her at the doors and walked out with her after work, fanning herself when they spotted Brett leaning against Allie’s car. “Oh my God, he is so hot.” She sighed with dramatic emphasis.

“Yeah.”And all mine for now.“See you tomorrow.” Allie’s heart twisted as she strode toward him, eyeing Brett’s folded, taut forearms, the way his broad shoulders stretched the gray dress shirt and peek of black curls from the opened top two buttons. She didn’t look back at her friend or put up any resistance when Brett cupped her nape and brushed his lips over hers.And I can get used to this.


Allie snatched herpurse off the kitchen counter and dashed to the front door Brett held open. “I wouldn’t be running late if you hadn’t nailed me in the shower,” she told him, squinting against the early morning sun.

“And I wouldn’t have taken the time if you hadn’t bent over, on purpose, when I came into the bathroom.”

She grinned, the late start to her morning well worth that price for shower sex with Brett.

He shook his head, his lips quirking as he opened her car door then kissed her. “I’ll wait until you go inside your building before leaving.”

“That’s overkill, Brett.” She settled behind the wheel and gazed up at him. “Chuck knows to watch for me. I’m put out by all this and don’t like it but understand I need to take precautions.”

“I prefer making sure myself,” he insisted, his tone implacable.

He shut the door, but she rolled down the window and called out before he got into the truck. “It wasn’t that long ago when you wanted me gone.”