Page 39 of Resisting Allie

Brett grabbed her hand, and she went giddy with relief when he tugged her toward the back room. “So much for spending time with you to get to know you better.”

Allie’s heart executed a slow roll hearing him reiterate his motive for the invitation today in a grumpy tone. She would examine the possibilities of that admission and the ramifications for persisting on a bout of sex without her mind muddled by fear later, though, after he put out the fiery need pushing her.

“Are we going to create our own fireworks?” Allie stumbled behind him into the tack room, clinging to his hand as he kicked the door shut. A high window was open, letting in a breeze and the guests’ appreciation for the bright, lit-up sky every time another explosion of colored sparks turned the inky blackness into a myriad of colored stars.

Brett halted and cocked his head, eyeing her with an intent expression that never failed to turn her insides to mush. “I haven’t decided. What do you want, Allie?”

He was asking for specifics, but she didn’t have any besides one. “You,” she replied without hesitation. “And whatever you want to do with me.”

“I’ve warned you about being careful with what you say.” Keeping hold of her hand, he lifted the leather reins dangling from a hook on the wall and wrapped one around both her wrists, binding them together. “Tell me a word you’ll remember if you want me to stop.”

She didn’t come this far to call a halt, even if a frisson of unease skated down her spine when she tested the snugness of the leather binding. It took her but a second to come up with a word. “Carmen. That’s what I named my car, the girl’s spelling, not the model.”

Brett nodded, looked up, and guided her to stand under a hook in the ceiling. “You have my word I’ll stop if you say it, and I figure after last weekend, you know you can trust me.”

“Of course. I’m rash, not stupid.” At least she didn’t think so until he lifted her arms to loop the rein over the hook then secure the dangling end to her wrists, stretching her just enough to lift her heels off the floor.

“You continue to surprise me with your candid honesty,” he murmured, trailing his hands down the sensitive underside of her arms.

The light graze tickled, but she managed to say, “Your wife must have done a number on you, hiding her true self.”

“Ex-wife, and she did an excellent job of burying her true, greedy self until we moved here and she couldn’t help salivating over what she thought was now hers through me.”

Allie didn’t think she hated anyone, but she could easily detest the woman who thought Brett’s worth lay in his financial holdings. He didn’t sound hurt by his ex’s shallowness, but maybe not happy with having the wool pulled over his eyes by someone he had cared about.

“Tell me something.” Brett’s hands went to her waist and lowered the zipper. “Did your interest in BDSM start the night we met at Casey’s and you looked in the upstairs window or before?”

Her honesty only went so far, and she wasn’t about to risk turning him off by revealing he’d caught her interest a few months before that when she’d seen him on that television interview and learned of his lifestyle by reading gossip.

“Didn’tFifty Shades of Graygrab everyone’s interest?”

His eyes narrowed at her evasive reply but thankfully, he let it go, instead shoving her jeans down to her thighs then sliding his hands upward, under her top to free her breasts. Allie sucked in a breath, arching into his hold as he squeezed and kneaded her breasts, his thumbs brushing across the tips, back and forth.

“I don’t know about everyone,” he stated, switching one hand from her breast to her butt, digging his fingers into her cheek. “But I do know when you avoid a direct answer. We’ll let that go for now. You’ve learned enough about consequences, right?”

“I suppose so.” Allie wasn’t sure where he was going as he stepped back and removed his belt, but a hot flush of expectation coupled with uncertainty spread through her quaking body. “Do I get to know my infraction?”

Leaning down, he nipped her lower lip, the zing going straight to her pussy. “I don’t appreciate you thwarting my plans for today, or that you didn’t cease your come-ons when I told you to.”

“You could have turned me down or ignored me,” she whispered against his mouth, tingling from the slight touch of their lips.

“I think I proved my low resistance to you last week, something you exploited tonight.” Moving back, he folded his belt then placed one hand against her quivering abdomen as he shifted to her side. “Remember your safeword.”

That was her only warning before Brett snapped the leather belt across her buttocks, the stinging burn going deeper than his hand spanking but not as painful as she’d braced for. Allie released her pent-up breath, relaxing a fraction until he struck again with more force. Jerking against the increased discomfort, she bit her lip to keep from saying Carmen, refusing to give him the satisfaction of wimping out after pushing him into this.

Brett delivered another slice below the previous one then caressed the ache seeping into her muscles, the slight abrasion from his rough palm emphasizing the tenderness where he’d struck. Without conscious thought, she pressed her backside against his hand, accepting the pain as her due while realizing it did nothing to turn her off wanting his attention to continue.

“Brett, please.” Allie moaned, unsure whether she craved more light pain or his cock filling her empty pussy again.

“Two more, Allie, then I’ll give you what you want.”

Turning to look at him, she couldn’t help insisting, “Only if you want it, too.” She wasn’t in desperate need of a distraction from a frightening ordeal like last time and would refuse another pity fuck if that was what last week and now tonight were. She did have some pride left.

He gripped her hair with the hand still holding the belt, his other hand a warm comfort against her stomach. Tugging her head back, he stated with assertive emphasis, “I would not engage with you, regardless of circumstances, otherwise.”

Meaning last week and tonight he wanted her as much as she did him. At least, that was how she interpreted that remark. She nodded without comment, loving the prickling pull on her scalp.

Brett released her hair, and she embraced the next two swats with a relish she never imagined possible, the heat seeping into her pores and spreading to encompass her entire lower body. Her relief when he stopped and dropped the belt was as much for an end to the torment as for the reward coming next. He didn’t disappoint her, or make her wait, his sheathed cock already in hand when he stood in front of her again. With his eyes on hers, he drew a finger through her slit then slowly slid inside her pussy, her vaginal muscles clamping around his digit with a tight squeeze.