Page 37 of Resisting Allie

Gina followed his look, her voice icy with disdain as she replied, “Sorry, you’ll have to put your new playmate on hold untilyouagree tomyterms.” She jabbed a finger at him and he grabbed her wrist, keeping his hold loose but unbreakable.

“I’ve let you drag this out long enough. Either sign the papers this week or I’ll start deducting from your settlement and drag you into court in front of a different judge every damn day if I have to.”

Leaning into him with a pleased expression, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction, she purred, “You remember how I love it when you get forceful.” Reaching up with her free hand, she caressed his jaw before he realized her intent. “She won’t give you the submission you want. I did, and still can.”

Brett dropped her hand as if burned, disgusted with her. “You don’t have a clue what I want, and if you think that little act gave Allie the wrong impression and pissed her off, I’ve no doubt you’re sadly mistaken. She’s smarter than you.” Sweeping his arm toward her car, he bit out, “Now, get off my property,” and stepped back.

Gina’s gaze turned frosty, her face flushing. “It’s still our property, but I’ll leave for now. This isn’t over though, not by a long shot,” she snapped then spun on her ridiculous heels.

Brett watched her stomp to her car in her body-hugging, short party dress, ridiculous attire for an outdoor summer holiday gathering, then noticed Allie walking his way. A toddler kicked a ball his way and he took a moment to flash the kid a smile and kick it back. He squealed, picked it up, and ran on his short legs to his mother. The smile Allie gave him was a positive sign he’d been right and she hadn’t read anything into Gina’s maneuver. Of course, it could also indicate his mother had filled her head with nonsense from his childhood and her own wishes for him now that he’d ended his marriage. Andrea had never liked or approved of Gina.

He went to meet Allie, and she tilted her head, offering an unobstructed view of her sparkling blue eyes as she asked, “Now that you’ve scared off your ex and made that kid’s day, do you want to raid the buffet with me?”

“You know what I like best about you, Allie?”

“My butt, given your attention to that area last week,” she answered with a chuckle.

Brett shook his head, amused. “That, too, right after your straightforwardness. And here, after all these years, I thought I preferred meeker women.”

“Boring. Your mom mentioned you were more open minded toward change than your brothers. Did I mention I’m hungry?”

Taking her hand, he started toward the house. “Yes, and I’m more than ready to eat.”

Several games were in full swing with guests lined up to participate in the cornhole toss, relays, and sack races. A group of guys were playing touch football, and the cowhands were giving kids horseback rides in the corral attached to the stable. Since it was his mother’s idea to open up their private party to a public social for Eagle’s Nest residents, he and his brothers had enlisted Andrea and William’s help with preparations. The miniature American flags attached to the bases of the cornhole games and on the ends of the spoons holding an egg as participants ran trying not to drop them were their idea. The tables were covered with a red, white, or blue paper cloth, and the patriotic-themed centerpieces were door prizes for ten lucky winners.

As pleased as Brett was with the turnout and success of hosting their first community social, that also meant this celebration wouldn’t end with an impromptu play party with their select group of members. Opening the door for Allie, he took in her flushed face as she removed her hat, recalling her pink cheeks and the quick pucker of her nipples from his light touch earlier. Given the constant itch to strip her of those bright jeans and take her again, he was glad the celebration would end with everyone leaving. Time would tell if his interest was lust-driven, as she said hers was.

Chapter Nine

Allie loaded her platefrom the variety of covered dishes the guests brought, failing to stifle the need Brett’s touch on that ridge hours ago had stirred up and his mother’s stories had reinforced. Walking behind him, she added a soft roll, itching to reach out and pinch his backside, just to get his reaction and maybe entice him to threaten her with one of those erotic spankings. Too bad there were several people gathered inside around the food for her to risk such a move. Despite her traumatized state at the time, she could still recall her heated response to his swats last week, and admitted she wouldn’t mind exploring more of what such light, erotic pain could deliver. Other than the one couple she’d seen in their private party space when Reed had given her a tour, she didn’t know who all was in their membership or whether they were here today. She hadn’t seen the woman sprawled on the desk or the man tormenting her, but that didn’t mean others weren’t here.

She didn’t realize she’d sighed loud enough to get his attention until he turned around and raised a dark brow. “Something wrong?”

A perverse part of Allie Brett awakened at their first meeting took over her mouth. “Only that I’m having trouble picturing you as an onery ten-year-old getting called into the principal’s office for pinching a girl’s butt while I’m imagining getting your attention doing the same to you.”

Brett cast a look around then leaned down. “That might get you the wrong kind of attention.”