The girls reach out with shaking hands and lay them gently upon one another’s cheeks. When their skin touches so intimately, sparks fly inside them just like that first time only days ago. They both gasp and lean into their paramour’s hand. Being with one another like this feels divine.

“Can I tell you a secret?” Raven asks, confidence growing as their lovely glow embraces them both.

“Yes, please,” Callie replies, voice heavy and sultry.

Raven smiles at her, “I have had a crush on you for a very long time.”

Callie giggles and it is the sweetest sound Raven has ever heard.

“You have?” Callie asks.

Raven nods, “I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

Callie stares back, speechless. This flawless, miraculous, magical being in front of her thinks she is beautiful.

Raven speaks, voice full of hope, “Can I ask you a question?”

Callie licks her lips, “Anything.”

Raven moves her body even closer to Callie, “Can I kiss you?”

Callie touches her nose to Raven’s, “I wish you would.”

The two watch each other intently as they lean into one another completely. The full length of their bodies melts into one another as their lips collide.

Fireworks. Heat. A complete and total game-changer.

Their arms move to embrace the other as tightly as they can. Mouths work to explore completely new and uncharted territory. In a world where things feel so out of sorts so often, this moment is perfection in every conceivable way.

They both pull back away from the other and watch each other in awe.

“Whoa,” says Callie.

“Whoa,” says Raven.

Callie blinks through a haze of hormones, “That felt like a dream.”

“I don’t want to wake up,” Raven replies and leans in for another dose.

This kiss is deeper. This kiss sets their world on fire.

Callie rolls her body over Raven and presses into her, their tongues grazing, breathing becoming heavier.

As the kiss pulls them into a wonderful new reality for them both, bright lights illuminate the air around them. For a moment, Raven thinks the old trampoline may have actually burst into flames beneath them, but Callie quickly pulls her lips away and brings her crashing back to reality. They look toward the light and squint to see what is happening.

Two giant orbs of light grow larger as they appear to be coming closer. As they come within just feet of the two, they turn to reveal their real source.

Barreling across the huge yard, a shiny bright red Road Runner passes them, seemingly headed straight toward the house. Raven and Callie would know that car anywhere. Without pause, they scramble down off the trampoline and toward the house. They have no idea what they will do when they get there, but, hand in hand, they know they have to try something.

Emily’s eyes burst open and she finds herself staring up at the cracked plaster ceiling of Willow’s bedroom. Her body feels heavy with exhaustion and aches from sleeping on the hardwood floor. Her heart is pounding as if she just woke from a nightmare. She can’t remember a dream but she can still hear the moans and cries of someone in pain.

Shaking the sleep out of her head, she realizes the sound is real. She scrambles to a sitting position and looks frantically around the room. Willow’s bed and all the assorted pallets around the room are empty, except for one. Sam lies asleep on her pile of blankets, thrashing around and crying out from whatever dream world she is trapped in.

Emily crawls across the floor and kneels beside her friend, “Sam, wake up! It’s just a dream. You’re okay! It’s just a dream.”

Sam startles awake and stares up at Emily wide-eyed and terrified. She doesn’t speak but sits upright and wraps her arms around Emily. Emily holds Sam tight against her and comforts her the best she can. The pain and fear inside Sam are so strong, Emily can feel them wash over her in waves. Sam is usually so strong that it is heartbreaking to see her fall apart.

“I’m so sorry,” Sam says through sobs shaking her whole body.