The others shush her so as not to blow their cover in this very public space, but quietly giggle their agreement.

“My bad,” Sam says with a faux frown, joy still shining in her eyes, “but he totally bought every word and didn’t question a single thing!”

Emily pretends to solemnly wipe away a tear as she adds, “And when he said he was going to murder him if he set foot back in this town. That was the moment I knew we were golden.”

Willow wraps them all in a group hug where they mimic crying on each other’s shoulders, “Then all those boys in blue buddied up with your brother and there was no changing their minds.”

Callie smiles at Raven, pressed close against her in their circle of trust, “I think this might actually work.”

Raven smiles back at Callie and feels warmth spread across her pale cheeks. A fuzzy pink glow floods between them and Raven becomes immediately self-conscious before remembering that she’s the only one who can see it. Callie’s smile widens as she senses Raven’s interest, knowing more and more with each passing moment that what she feels inside is mutual.

The girls break their embrace and begin looking out for Nessa. She is set to pick them up after Willow sent a text right as they walked out the police station doors. They all glance around now, looking for her unmistakable 1970s station wagon. Even through the pounding rain, they will see its rusty orange paint shining like a beacon.

As they watch all around them, Emily gasps.

Willow tends to her without hesitation, “Em, love, what is it?”

Emily’s face is splotchy with patches of red fear, “I saw… I think… it couldn’t be.”

Callie comes to her side now, “It’s okay, honey. What did you see?”

Emily closes her eyes and bows her head, “It was his car. I thought it was his car. I… I don’t know.”

Willow chews the inside of her cheek. She can read the genuine concern in Emily. She knows Emily believes what she saw but is just afraid to say it. The sighting brings a dark cloud of fear over their once joyous gathering. There is a collective tensing of their spirits as they all realize this is their life now. Fear and dread are a part of them now.

Sam smiles half-heartedly and offers reassurance, “He’s gone. It’s going to be okay, Em.” Her words are positive, but uncertainty clearly hangs from them.

“There’s Mom,” Raven points out as the old car turns onto the street.

As she stops by the sidewalk, the girls rush to the doors and pile inside. Nessa glances at them through the rearview mirror, anxiously awaiting their update. She sees tired, frightened faces staring back at her, “Everything okay, ladies?”

The girls all glance at one another, unsure of how to answer. Yes, but no.

Willow finds her voice, “I think we’re all just a little worn out and still shaken. Would it be okay if we all stayed together tonight, Mama? At home?”

Nessa’s heart aches for these sweet souls. They have been through enough for a lifetime. She would do anything for them and offers without hesitation, “You are all always welcome as long as you need.”

The rest of the car ride is silent, but the girls reach for one another and hold hands the whole way home.

Raven feels a sweetness bubbling up in her heart as she stirs in her sleep. She smiles to herself and lets the feeling take her over.

“Raven… pssst…” Callie’s hushed voice whispers out to her in the darkness.

Raven blinks through the sleep still clouding her tired eyes to see Callie crouched over her. Their eyes meet and Callie smiles down at the most precious girl she has ever seen. Raven smiles back without even thinking about it. The joy radiating off of Callie fills Raven with so much warmth. The entire room glows an intense violet. Raven is sure this must be the color of falling in love because this girl in front of her makes her heart ache in her chest the same way cupcakes did when she was a little girl. She completely lights up Raven’s soul.

Callie feels the exact same way and would love to do nothing but stare at this wonderfully witchy woman for the rest of forever. This is what falling in love is supposed to feel like. Callie leans closer and whispers in her ear, “Will you go on an adventure with me?”

Raven can’t speak, she is so overcome with excitement. She nods her head like a crazy person and scrambles to her feet from her makeshift bed on the floor of Willow’s room. Callie extends her hand to her. Raven clutches it hungrily and lets Callie lead her wherever she wants.

Hand in hand, they tiptoe over their sleeping friends and past Willow’s empty bed, Callie dragging her heavy quilt along with them. They descend the stairs, begging them not to creak, and hush their giggles as they sneak past Willow’s back, hunched over books piled on the kitchen table. They cringe as the screen door squeaks open and close it behind them as gently as possible. Bare feet on cold, dewy November ground, the two girls laugh out loud now as they run across the yard. They reach the trampoline and Raven watches excitedly as Callie scrambles up on it. Callie reaches for Raven, helping her up too. They hold hands and jump together, excited laughter spilling out of them. They feel like they just got away with something scandalous and the thrill is exhilarating.

They fall down onto the bouncing black mesh side by side. Callie tosses the old quilt across them both and they snuggle in close together. Face to face, noses almost touching. For a moment, they just stare at one another.

Callie’s cheeks flush and she speaks, “Is it okay if I touch your face?”

Raven nods, “Can I touch yours?”

Callie smiles and nods.