Is he on drugs? No, he has to be drug tested to play football, but he most definitely seems to be high on something.

The frantic energy emanating from him is toxic and a little bit frightening. Sam finds herself pushing her back into the booth she is seated on, trying to create as much distance between them as absolutely possible. He is making her very nervous and she can’t even exactly put her finger on why. He’s talking now about his ex-girlfriend, Callie. She is one of the girls from his circle and has always been quietly popular. She clearly isn’t part of Sam’s group of friends, but she seems like a nice enough girl. She doesn’t deserve the things he is saying about her right now, that is for sure. She could be a terrible person and she still wouldn’t deserve what he is saying about her.

Sam is done.

“… and, you know, she’s just such bitch,” he prattles on as Sam raises her hand to him in silence.

The gesture isn’t ambiguous and he seems to understand immediately. He stops speaking almost exactly on command and she can see a spark firing up behind dark eyes.

“Look,” she finally speaks, “I don’t mean to be rude, I really don’t, but I don’t even know you and you invited yourself to sit here just so you can talk shit on another person that I don’t even know. That’s not right.”

Sam’s words are spoken with kindness and common decency in hope that he will understand where she’s coming from and maybe try to do better. Instead, it seems to fire up his unrest even more than before, except now it is directed straight at her.

“I guess you’re a cunt too then,” he spits out in anger, wild eyes zeroing in on Sam’s shocked expression. He smiles in a plotting sort of way and slips out of the booth. He’s outside the cafe faster than the cold wind he seemed to bring with him.

Sam sits in absolute shock for the longest time. She doesn’t know what to think of what just happened. That boy is not normal. There is something seriously wrong with him.

Twenty minutes ago, Sam was avoiding forming a firm opinion on him, now she knows exactly what she thinks of him. He is a pompous asshole. Sam knows this means she will be having a very serious conversation with Emily at school tomorrow.

There is no way she is okay with letting her friend spend time alone with someone that acts like him. No way.

Emily sits on her bed trying to work on English homework, but instead, all she can think about is her silent phone. It is beyond strange that she hasn’t heard anything from him all evening. His virtual presence, at the very least, is usually her constant companion. His silence is frightening in ways she isn’t sure she even fully understands, but she feels it anyway. It makes her heart race and leaves her feeling guilty, but she doesn’t know why.

She keeps making excuses for it, to explain it away. He’s busy with schoolwork. His parents made him go somewhere with them. He forgot his phone at home. Something.

With each excuse she comes up with, though, her anxiety gives a rebuttal and a new idea to panic over. He’s mad at you. He was in a car accident and he’s laying in a ditch right now. It was probably your fault because you made him mad. He must have finally figured out what trash you are and now he’s spending his dying moments in that ditch wishing he hadn’t wasted his time on you. Maybe he’s thinking of Callie as he fades away. Maybe he’s actually with her right now.

Emily is spiraling and she doesn’t know how to make it stop. She isn’t sure how she has come to rely solely on his approval to measure her own worth, but it has happened so quickly. It frightens her but also excites her all at once. Their love affair has been such a whirlwind and she isn’t ready for it to be over with just yet. She hopes she still has a little more time with him before he figures out just how unworthy she is. Emily is deep in a pile of all those obsessive thoughts when there is a sharp knock on her bedroom window. Her head shoots up to see his dreamy face crouched outside the window.

He smiles at her through the glass and she is filled with warmth inside. Still though, as she walks to let him in, she is sure he is probably only here to break up with her.

The second she has the window open he bursts into the room, taking her lips roughly with his own. Fingers tightly wound in her hair, he pulls her to him smashing her face against his. Their mouths fight for more closeness in the most intense kiss she can ever imagine. It’s like he could eat her up, heart and soul. She lets out a soft and contented moan against his lips and it seems to trigger something in him.

His grip on her hair tightens and he begins forcing her body to move across the room to her bed. It’s a little too much now. It feels as if he might pull the hair right from her head and her feet feel awkward and unsure in their forced movements. When the back of her legs bump against the mattress he quickly lets go of her and watches her fall clumsily to her back beneath him.

She stares helplessly up at him and is a little frightened by the wild look in his eyes.

Without any warning, he dives to her level and begins almost violently kissing her face and neck, pulling and tugging at her clothes. She doesn’t know what to do or how to move. Everything that feels right also seems to be a struggle against him in some way. He seems to feel the fight in her as well and takes it as an invitation to wrap his hands around her wrists, restraining them above her head. He takes time to study her in this moment. His face shows instant approval at her helpless state and the smile that spreads across his face sends chills through her trembling body.

“Stop,” she chokes out as sobs begin to build in her throat, “Please stop. I don’t want to do this yet. I’m not ready. Please, I’m begging you to stop.”

Her pleas are becoming more forceful as panic fills her body. He doesn’t look like he’s going to stop. He is unbuttoning his jeans and reaching for hers next when she cries out as loud as she can, “STOP! PLEASE!” The cry echoes out across her empty home and only makes his hands work faster as he tears her shirt from her body exposing her bare chest.

Tears now rolling down her face, she struggles to free herself in any way she can. Finally freeing one leg, she brings it up into his groin with all the force she can muster.

His pain is immediate, but instead of freeing her, it has caused him to collapse on top of her, crushing her under his weight. When the pain subsides enough that he can raise his head again, the anger being directed straight at her is terrifying.

He pins both of her legs between his, rubbing his still growing erection against her, and places his one free hand around her throat. At first, he just uses the hand to restrain her further but then his grip gets tighter. And tighter. And tighter.

Emily can’t breathe. She’s beginning to see stars in her eyes as she fights to feel air in her lungs again. “My…” she tries to get out any sound she can that would make him stop, “parents. My… parents… will… be… home…” She knows it’s a lie, but he doesn’t.

Suddenly a light comes on in his eyes and his grip loosens. She gasps in air as he batters her body with hard blows. He’s so angry and pounds his frustrations into her soft flesh. Finally, after several minutes, he retreats away from her.

Scrambling fully up onto her bed and holding her knees against her chest to cover her bare breasts and protect herself from another bombardment, she watches him tearfully.

He paces the room, running his hands through his hair. It’s as though he can’t decide what to do with himself. After a few moments, he pulls his body back through her window and is gone without a word.

Emily sits on her bed holding her knees to herself and lets the tears pour from her eyes for so long that she has no idea what time it is when she finally hears her parents stumble in downstairs. They never would have been here in time to save her.