Unfortunately, by the time she sees his pale white hand reach around her body to lock her door, it is too late. He is here and her body instantly turns cold. She spins around to see him before her, just inches away. He just stands there with that devilish grin he gets when he knows he has you. She screams as the realization grips her, but Mom and Dad are at the country club and there is no one around to hear her.

“Hello again, lover,” he whispers to her as he comes closer, pressing her body against the door. She tries to turn away and get out the door, but he pins her body in a way that forbids her from moving at all. His full body is now pressed against hers and she can feel his hot breath on her face.

“I heard you have been speaking to my new little toy.” He spits the words in her face, obviously angry that Callie is interfering, “I can’t have you scaring her away,” he adds as he runs a cold, boney finger down her cheek. His touch makes her body chill to her core. She doesn’t want to feel him ever again.

“I-I don’t… know… what-,” she tries to speak through the tremendous fear he makes pulse through her body and is disappointed to hear how shaky her voice is.

“Don’t lie to me, Callie,” he growls into her face pressing himself even harder into her body.

He is aroused by her fear. She can feel it. The thought makes her want to vomit and bile rises in her throat.

He grinds his pelvis into her, “Feel that, lover?”

She tries to remain as stoic and emotionless as possible, but a sob escapes her lips as he runs his tongue down her cheek.

“If I find out that you ever speak to Emily again, if my name ever leaves your lips again, I’ll make sure you feel every inch of me again,” he hisses in her ear as he rubs his erection against her. “Understood?”

Callie nods her head as tears roll down her cheeks. He laughs at her pain and unlocks the door, but doesn’t let her free yet.

“Man, I’ve missed you, lover.” His face is almost nose to nose with hers and he bites his lip as he continues, “I may have to pay you another surprise visit just to have you again. This time I’ll be more gentle and take my time. If you’re lucky.”

He presses his mouth to hers and forces his tongue inside before shoving her aside and slipping out the door.

Callie falls to her knees with bone-shaking sobs forcing all the air from her lungs. She is breathing so hard that she can’t catch her breath at all. No oxygen is getting to her lungs and her panic is overflowing inside of her. She drags her body across the floor to her desk and clings to the leg. She wraps her arms around it and uses it to help steady the roiling tides inside her mind and heart.

She can’t un-feel him against her. She can’t wipe away the feeling of being helpless beneath his weight again. Every time she closes her eyes she sees the night he took her innocence away forever. She can’t forget his threat to do it again. The obsessive thoughts keep her spinning until she has forced herself to breathe again.

Finally feeling her equilibrium return somewhat, Callie races to her bathroom where she throws herself onto the shower floor. She reaches up with a shaky hand and turns on the hot water. She lies there in a heap, letting the scalding water soak her clothes and burn her skin in hopes of washing away any trace of his touch. She lets it rain down on her for so long that the water turns cold and feels like ice running in painful rivers down her back.

Sam is a farm kid. She lives miles outside of town and hates everything about it. She doesn’t fit in with the life she lives. Sam loves books and art and travel and fashion and all the cultured things you rarely see in a small Ozarks town. As she climbs into her rusty old farm truck, she longs for a life where she can make her own living with the pictures in her head instead of in trafficking the body parts of animals slaughtered on the family farm.

Today is Sunday and it is Sam’s favorite day of the week. She smiles to herself as she rides through the tree-covered country roads approaching town. Sundays she has no responsibilities to her family after church and she is free to do as she pleases. She usually takes herself to dinner, just her, and works away in her sketchbook until it gets so late that the cafe closes and the owners force her out the door. She needs this time to decompress from all the noise that is life. She needs to just be for a night each week or she may go crazy.

Today she climbs into her favorite booth in the back corner away from everyone else and feels such an intense inner joy knowing she’s all alone. She has just started defining the outline on a sketch she has been dying to draw for weeks when someone sits across from her at her booth. She looks up and is startled to see it’s him. She immediately cringes in her head but tries to remain calm on the exterior.

He is smiling across the table at her without speaking and she finds it pretty off-putting. She squirms a little in her seat but decides to greet him. If she can make this fast then he will go and she can get back to her solitude.

“Hey, what’s up?” she asks through a fake smile.

“I just saw you sitting over here all lonely by yourself and thought I would give you some company,” he tells her in an almost sympathetic tone, like he’s doing her a favor by offering his presence.

She uses all the strength in her body to hold back the eye roll she so badly wants to give him. She smiles sweetly instead as she’s sure that’s what he wants, “I actually like my alone time. I came here alone on purpose.”

He laughs in her face at this answer, “Whatever makes you feel better, sweetie,” and gives her a wink.

She is dumbfounded at his sleaziness and she has to forcefully close her mouth, unconsciously hanging open.

Sam doesn’t really know him. He’s not a part of the circle she or any of her friends have ever been a part of. He’s the golden boy around town. The football star. He’s just, it.

She was surprised when he started dating Emily. Not that Emily didn’t deserve him and so much more, but because very rarely in high school did you see a mixing of cliques. There is too much social consequence when you try to reach outside of your circle.

But you can do whatever you want if you’re already on top, she guesses.

Sam has been trying very hard to be nice to him and is always friendly in passing, for Emily’s sake. Their other friends did not seem to be giving him much of a chance and Sam wanted to be the one that did, but the more he sits here opposite her talking just to hear his own voice, the harder he is making it to treat him with civility.

He is so invested in his own story that he doesn’t even know she isn’t listening.

Since he clearly isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, Sam is taking this time to watch him. He seems to be different today than when she saw him outside the butcher shop window just yesterday. He is all amped up on something. He doesn’t seem to have any control over his body as it bounces and fidgets around. He is a little sweaty like he just ran laps and his eyes seem to be a little wild and crazy.