Page 55 of Forsaken Fate

“They’re all out there,” Grayson said. “Everyone came. Every invitation I sent. This will be the largest Gathering in two centuries, Theo. And they’re all here to support my leadership.”

“You sure about that?” I asked.

“Once they see me claim my mate. And once they see you’re willing to stand beside me. The covens are behind me. My mother unified the shifters and the mages. That treaty will hold.”

Sure enough, two mages stepped off the back porch. Old men, both of them. One of them trained his black eyes on me and I sensed his fire magic. The wind picked up when the other one stepped forward. He was showing off. Deeper in the woods, I heard a wolf howl. I couldn’t help but growl.

“These people are important,” Grayson whispered. “Coven leaders. Pack leaders. Bear clan leaders. They’re all out there. Ready to hunt my lands. This is the first time the Dorran family has hosted the Gathering.”

“The Dorran family?” I said, not able to help myself.

“Theo, this benefits you too. If these factions back me as governor, that’s good for you.”

“It only benefits me if I chose to live in New York, Grayson. The only way I’ll be doing that is if you sign the land over to me.”

“After the Gathering,” he said. “We’ll talk about it then. Let me claim Brynna. Then we’ll deal with your issues. Now stand here. And could you for once try to look happy? Brynna’s coming.”

“She’s what?” I said, my voice thick with rage.

“She’s going to start the hunt,” Grayson said. “It’s ceremonial, but it’ll whet everyone’s appetite when they see my mate in the flesh.”

He was using her as bait. I’d kill him. I’d fucking kill him. Every wolf out there was keyed up, no more than a breath away from giving into the bloodlust of the hunt. And Grayson was going to parade an Alpha’s mate right in front of them.

My mate!

Doyle’s wolf came around the side of the house. His eyes glowed gold as he came beside me, swishing his tail. He emitted a low vibration. I sensed his need to kill. It poured through me as well.

Then…Brynna came. Lust shuddered through me. I turned away from Grayson so he wouldn’t see the glow in my eyes.

She wore a green dress that hugged her hips and matched her eyes, her hair swept up. Brynna caught my eye and her mask of a smile faltered. She took a step forward, then another, her back straight, her feet sure. She brushed past me on her way to Grayson; her perfume stirred a memory. The same scent still lingered on my bed sheets.

I couldn’t lure my focus away from the curve of Brynna’s shoulder, the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck that had sprung free from the sleek ponytail she wore. God. It was intentional. Grayson wanted them all to see. He wanted them to covet Brynna.

She walked past us to the center of the yard. All those glowing pairs of wolf eyes drew closer. I couldn’t take another second of it. I shifted. Rough. Brutal. My wolf towered over Grayson. He would be so damn easy to kill.

Brynna turned back. It was just a slight gesture. She flapped her hand downward, asking me to be still.

“Welcome,” she called out. “Old friends and new. The eve of the third Gathering of the new era. May you all come in peace and fellowship. My name is Brynna. I am betrothed to Grayson Dorran. Tomorrow evening, we welcome you all to marking ceremony where I’ll become Grayson’s mate before you all. But tonight, we welcome you to hunt the Dorran family lands as you did in the time before the last war. Let this be a new beginning.”

The came out of the woods. Black wolves, silver wolves. Pawing the ground. Growling. The bears came too. Grayson went to stand beside Brynna. He still hadn’t shifted.

Instinct drove me. I went to her side. If any of these wolves made a move on her, I would rip them to shreds even though I knew it might be the last thing I ever did.

She put a calming hand on my back, sinking it into my fur. Then she linked hands with Grayson. God. She wanted them all to see. Her words weren’t enough.

“Go!” she shouted.

A chorus of howls rose. The bears reared up, growling. The big cats stayed back, but they made their presence known. And then the hunt was on.

Grayson shifted. His gray wolf looked thin, almost emaciated. My God. He was in no condition to hunt tonight.

The old fire mage came to his side. He leaned down and whispered something in Grayson’s ear. Energy swirled around him. Grayson shimmered in the light. A second later, he stepped out of it. Gone was the sickly looking wolf. Now, Grayson’s wolf body had filled out.

Beside me, Doyle growled. He witnessed the same thing I did. Grayson was borrowing heavy, dark magic. What in God’s name might happen if he marked Brynna while in the thrall of it?

Grayson lunged forward, racing toward the tree line. He let out a great howl, letting the others know he was there.

I couldn’t move. I didn’t care if the largest stag on the planet ran into view. I wasn’t going to leave Brynna’s side tonight.