Page 98 of One-Way Ride

He grumbled for a moment, regretting not taking the opportunity to razz her about her tears. “I don’t know why you’re laughing. I’m giving you the chance to have a test run before you have your own. You should be thanking me.”

She looked at him, aghast. “Shut up! There won’t be any babies in my future. I’d rather cover myself with honey and nail my tits to a beehive.”

“I’d pay to see that!” Sal quipped from across the room. Morrigan had been very loud.

“I’ll provide the hammer!” Abel shouted.

Morrigan flipped them both off. “If you don’t want me to stick your ball sacks to a frozen lake, you’ll shut the fuck up.”

Abel and Sal immediately stopped laughing, spinning around and giving her their backs. Luca snickered and began the process of soothing the big men.

Roman was quiet for a time, content to watch the antics of his family. He wanted to get back to Angela but there was one thing he had to know first. “Did you do it?”

Morrigan frowned. “Do what?”

“We had a visit from Detective Hill and Detective Rosier yesterday. Angel’s parents went off a cliff,” Roman explained.

Morrigan’s eyes widened. “Wow. What a surprise.”

Roman swore, pushing away from the wall. “That is the worst fake innocent look I’ve ever seen, Morrigan. You killed Angel’s parents.”

Morrigan shrugged, utterly unrepentant. “I promised I wouldn’t maul them or kill them during our little visit. You are the one who promised Angel you wouldn’t kill them ever. I made no such vow. The moment we left Dalton, they were fair game to me.”

It was a decent loophole, Roman acknowledged. Still... “I’m not sure it’s a technicality Angel would appreciate.”

Morrigan shrugged, looking unconcerned. “I don’t plan to tell her. Which is why I wasn’t planning on telling you either. I know you don’t keep secrets from each other. I don’t want to put you in a position to lie.”

“I won’t lie to her. Ever. But I don’t think I’ll need to in this case. She already asked me if I did it and I said no. She has no reason to ask me again. Now, if she asks you, on the other hand...”

“I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it,” she replied. “Besides, she won’t ask. I bet she already knows.”

Roman thought about it for a moment, deciding Morrigan was probably right. Angel wasn’t stupid. He met Morrigan’s eyes. “Thank you, cousin. Knowing they were walking around and living their lives was hard for me to ignore.”

She dipped her head. “You’re welcome. Although, I didn’t do it just for you.”

“I know.” Morrigan loved Angel, but it was for her to admit it.

“Tell me, did they see it coming?” Curiosity got the better of him. “Did they know they were about to die?”

Morrigan’s smile was slow and wicked. “Oh, they knew. I took the Harley and parked it in the center of the road, just near the bend. You can always count on human instinct. Her father was driving, and he turned the wheel sharply to avoid me. Just sharply enough to hit the loose gravel and go through the newly broken guard rail. His eyes met mine. He saw me. He knew. The woman was already shrieking, so I’m not sure if she saw me. But she definitely knew she was going to die.”

It was just what he wanted to hear. “Thank you.”

Morrigan slipped out moments later, and Roman remained silent after that, listening to his brother discuss baby clothes with Abel and Sal. He shook his head, contemplating how he could go from murder to onesies in the space of minutes.

He still couldn’t believe he was going to be a father. If someone had asked him a week ago if he was ready to be a father, the answer would have been a resounding no. But now, he could hardly wait. He had so much love to give—a total shock to acknowledge. And Angel was going to be the best mother in the world. The thought of her growing round with his baby was enough to make him dizzy with joy. It also made his cock twitch. She was going to be even sexier.

He was googling safe ways to have sex with a pregnant woman when his phone pinged. He frowned at the unknown caller ID.

“What is it?” Sal asked, seeing his frown.

“I’m not sure,” Roman replied, felling nervous for some inexplicable reason. “It’s not a number I recognize.”

He opened the message and stiffened.

She’s a gem. I can see the appeal.

“What’s the matter?” Abel demanded, correctly interpreting Roman’s terrified expression. He snatched the phone, reading the brief message aloud. “What the fuck is this?!” he shouted. “Her who?”