Page 65 of One-Way Ride

Before Angela could reply, the older man finished his drink in one swallow and disappeared into the crowd.

Finn and Angela stared at each other for a moment before Finn blew out a breath. “That was intense.”

“Yeah,” she said dully. “Intense.”


Roman watched the sleazeball walk away from Angel. “Now?” The word came out more growl than anything else, but his friend understood.

“Not yet. Wait for Angel to give us the sign,” Sal cautioned. “Then we can grab him.”

“If he gets away...” Roman warned. He was impatient to hit Wayne Hutchins over the head and drag him back to the penthouse for a private chat. Listening as he spoke so casually about Angel’s abuse had been torture. And Roman was determined to return it tenfold.

“He won’t,” Midas promised. “Between my men and yours, he can’t so much as fart without them catching it.”

Sal wrinkled his nose. “I’m glad I’m up here then.”

It was hard to stand behind the two-way mirror of the manager’s office and watch Angel with her nurse friend below. Yes, she was surrounded by bikers, ex-mafia, assassins, mercenaries, and bodyguards, but it didn’t feel like enough. They weren’t him.

Just then, his angel pocketed the card Wayne had given her, before releasing the clip that held her hair in place. Roman was already running from the room before her hair tumbled down her back. That was it. The sign that all was well, and the job was done. Wayne Hutchins was now free for the taking.

Roman slowed to a walk as he exited the ‘employees only’ door. The music hit him hard, reminding him that it had been a really long time since he’d visited a club. It wasn’t his scene much these days, but he’d been known to frequent them when he was younger. Watching Angela get dressed earlier in her sexy clubbing outfit made him want to return under better circumstances. He would love to hold her close, feeling the beat of the music pump through their bodies.

Morrigan appeared next to him like an apparition. She nodded her head in the direction of a dimly lit corridor off the dance floor. “He went down that way. Abel said he went into a private room.”

“Are you sure he’s secured?” Roman demanded.

Midas, who had followed along with Salvatore answered, “There’s a back exit, but my brothers have that covered. Your man hasn’t gone that way. And the private rooms only have one entry and exit.”

“Abel saw him go in and is standing outside the door. It hasn’t opened,” Morrigan supplied.

“Then he’s in there,” Midas assured them.

“Good,” Roman grumbled.

He threaded his way through the crowd, glaring at a woman when she touched his ass. “Taken!” he snapped, not missing a beat.

He wanted to head straight for Angel but that wasn’t part of the plan. A bunch of his men, including Sal, would be taking her home as he, Morrigan, and Abel dealt with capturing Wayne. There were plenty of MC members around if he needed further backup. But he doubted it. The man was older and not in peak physical condition. Roman could take him with one hand tied behind his back.

Entering the corridor, Roman noted a series of black doors along either side. They had silver chrome handles and were numbered one to twenty. “Soundproofed?” he questioned, stalking down the quiet hallway to where Abel was standing with Torque.

“Yes,” Midas replied. “These rooms are mostly used for sex. Soundproofing is a must.”

“Good,” Roman said. He wanted to make his target scream a little before they left. “Is he alone?” he asked Abel when they made it to the second door from the end.

“Yes. He was typing away on his cell when he was walking. He looked distracted. He didn’t even notice me.” Abel looked at the door and cracked his knuckles. “Now?”

Roman smiled grimly. “Now.”

Midas nodded to Torque and the other man swiped a card over the electronic lock. The door clicked and Roman walked into the room flanked by Abel and Morrigan. Their guy was sitting on the bed in the corner of the room, frowning at his phone. When he looked up, he did a double take.

“Hello, Wayne Hutchins,” Roman rumbled.

“Vincenzo Romano,” Wayne returned, looking surprised. “Your lovely doctor contacted you already? That was quick. Did she give you my message?”

“Oh, I have your message right here,” he assured him.

Midas pulled the door shut just as Roman pulled out his gun, shooting Wayne in the shoulder. He cried out, dropping his phone and grasping his shoulder. Roman stalked forward, leveling the gun between the man’s eyes.