Page 64 of One-Way Ride

She didn’t so much as blink. He was clearly looking for a reaction and she’d be damned if she would give him one. “What did you say your name was again?”

He smirked at her. “I didn’t.”

She looked down her nose at him, showing him she was unimpressed. “Right. Well, this has been fun...” She went to move off her seat, but he stopped her. When he put his hand on her arm, she swore she could feel Roman’s seething energy. It took everything in her not to look at the window where she knew Roman was watching in the owner’s office.

Angela glared at him. “I suggest you remove your hand if you ever want to use it again.”

Wayne laughed, squeezing her arm tighter before releasing her. “Godfrey said you were feisty. I see he wasn’t exaggerating.” He looked her up and down. “For an old woman, you’re not bad to look at.”

“Old woman?” Angela snapped.

His answering smile was sleaze personified. “My tastes run a little younger.”

He had all but admitted he was a pedophile. She wanted to break her glass on the table and smash it into his orbital socket.

“Who’s this?” Wayne asked, looking at Finn. “And why aren’t you stepping in to defend your woman?”

“My name is Finley Burke. I’m a colleague of Dr. Hawthorne’s—not her lover. And she doesn’t need me to defend her. She looks to be doing an amazing job all by herself.” Finn spoke calmly, looking almost bored. Angela could have kissed him. “Who are you?”

“Wayne Hutchins,” he replied, irritation lacing his tone. “And if that’s the case, you won’t mind excusing us for a moment.”

Finn made a sound like a quiz show buzzer—an obnoxious one. “Wrong. I do mind. But carry on.”

Wayne’s face turned a little red and Angela could practically hear the wheels turning in his head. Did he drop it and take a blow to his pride? Or did he clap back, potentially ruining whatever his initial goal was? He obviously chose the latter, because he turned his back on Finn, dismissing him completely.

“Let’s get to the point, shall we?” Wayne suggested.

Angela linked her fingers together on the table, leaning forward. “Let’s.”

“I understand you’re sleeping with Vincenzo Romano. Where is he?”

Angela shrugged negligently. “I don’t keep tabs on him.”

“Hmm, I’m not surprised. A man like Mr. Romano wouldn’t like that at all,” Wayne commented.

She didn’t say anything, letting the accountant form his own conclusions. It was to their benefit if Wayne misconstrued the dynamic of their relationship.

“I have a message for him,” he stated.

“Okay,” Angela acknowledged. “I’ll do my best to pass it along.”

Wayne grunted. “See that you do. Otherwise, your old friend, the Foreman, will be paying you another visit. Here.”

She looked at the card Wayne held out. It looked innocent enough, but she didn’t trust anything about the man, so she didn’t take it.

He tsked at her. “So rude. It looks like someone has forgotten their training. Where are your manners?”

“I lost them around the same time as I lost my innocence,” she hissed quietly. Roman and the others were listening in, and that was bad enough. But she didn’t want anyone else to overhear the conversation. Finn was going to have enough details to draw his own conclusions as it was.

Wayne hummed, flicking his thumbnail along the edge of the card. “It’s just a business card. On it there is a cell number. It connects straight to Godfrey.”

She reached out tentatively, taking the gold-embossed, matte-black card. “Why would I want this?”

“It’s not for you. It’s for Mr. Romano,” Wayne told her arrogantly.

Angela looked at the gold digits, doing her best to keep her hand steady. “Again, why would he want Godfrey’s phone number?”

“So he can talk with him. Man to man,” Wayne explained. “Godfrey informed me that Vincenzo is looking for him. He’d have better luck squeezing blood from a stone. Godfrey is a shadow. I’m doing you—and your lover—a favor. Make sure to tell him that.”