Page 52 of One-Way Ride

Claire was the only person Angela discussed her sex life with. It wasn’t because she wasn’t willing to be open about it with others, but nobody else was prepared to listen. Nor did they appreciate the stories. Morrigan told her she was gross, Luca likewise wasn’t a fan of hearing his brother’s sexcapades. Abel always turned bright red and ran from the room. And Salvatore, well, he was keen for details. But she had learned pretty quickly that he used them to taunt Roman. Because she didn’t want to see Sal lose a limb, she stopped sharing.

“She didn’t tell me on purpose. She was telling the dogs, and I overheard her,” Luca divulged.

“Telling the dogs?” Angela thought about it for a moment, deciding, “We really need to get her out more.”

Luca smiled happily. “She’s doing great. And so are you.”

“Thanks. I’ll do better when Roman’s back. Do you think he’s okay?”

“He’s totally fine. And he’s on his way. He’s been updating Sal and Abel. It’s what I was coming in to tell you,” Luca said.

Angela felt immediately better. She rolled over, being careful of Smith and Wesson who were now napping, and hugged him. “Thank you.”

“Well, isn’t this great. I go out of town for one night, and I find you in bed with my brother.”

Angela sat up and turned her head so quickly she felt her neck crack. “Roman. You’re home.” She untangled herself from the sheets, launching herself into his arms.

He caught her with a grunt. “Damn, woman. You’re no lightweight, you know.”

Angela kissed the smirk off his face. He made it no secret how much he loved her curves. “Are you okay?”

“Not a scratch on me,” Roman assured her. He carried her over to the bed, sitting down on the edge. “Everything went smoothly.”

“Did you get any useful information?” she asked when she really wanted to ask about her parents instead.

“I hope so. We got a name,” Roman said.

Before she could question him further, he fell backwards on the bed. The result was her splayed on top off him, aligned from head to toe. She gave an experimental rock, unable to help herself. Roman groaned, gripping her ass and pulling her tighter against his hardening dick.

“Um, excuse me. I’m still here.”

Roman froze in tandem with Angela. They turned their heads towards a grinning Luca with his chin resting in his hand. “Hi.” He waved.

“Get out,” Roman ordered with a scowl.

“Make me,” Luca goaded, settling back against the pillows.

Roman grumbled, closing his eyes. “You are so annoying.”

“Do you know what I find annoying? Learning that my brother has a sex mirror above his bed.” Luca made a disgusted face. “I may never recover from this.”

Roman thumped the mattress, missing Luca by a mile. Smith and Wesson took it as a sign that Roman wanted to play, and they pounced on him. Angela scooted off his chest, ignoring his order for her to stay. Instead, she watched as he hid his hand under the comforter and moved it around for the cats to hunt and chase.

Luca got up, patting her head affectionately as he passed. “We’ll be in the kitchen. I’ll see about making breakfast, and you can update us then, Roman.” He leveled a knowing look at his brother. “Don’t be long.”

Roman played with the cats for a few more minutes before he met her gaze. “Your parents are despicable excuses for humans.”

Angela nodded silently, unmoving. When he opened his arms wide, she fell into them. He held her while he explained everything that happened step by step.

“I don’t remember any Wayne Hutchins. But I might recognize a photo of him,” she said, biting her bottom lip.

Roman soothed her lip with his thumb. “I’ve heard his name mentioned a few times over the years, which is why it sounded familiar. I’ve never met him either, but he’s in the city. I looked up his offices. He lives and works here. Obviously, Luca will do a more extensive search, but it’s something to go on.”

“So it was worth going? You won’t have to go to New York?” she pressed, holding her breath.

“I won’t go for now. We’ll see how far Wayne gets us. I think one trip to Shitville is enough for now,” he added, scrunching up his nose.

Angela released a breath, relaxing fully into the mattress—and him. “Okay. Good. That’s good.”