Page 31 of One-Way Ride

As expected, there were several messages. One from Abel, and multiple from Claire. Abel’s was filled with medical questions about the best way to help Claire, and Claire’s were filled with questions about the best way to kill Abel. Angela couldn’t help laughing.

“I take it Claire is doing okay this morning?” Roman mumbled from beside her.

Angela looked over her shoulder at a sleepy-eyed Roman, the sheet barely covering his hips. He looked good enough to eat.

“Mmm, it’s like that is it?” he asked, reaching for her.

She giggled, allowing him to pull her in. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Like hell you don’t. You were looking at me like I was breakfast,” he said, kissing her breathless. “For the record, I fully support you.”

Angela laughed, slapping him on the chest. “I bet you do. And to answer your question, Claire seems to be doing well. They’re releasing her soon. It’s Abel I’m worried about.”

Roman frowned and went to get up. “Why? What’s happened now?”

“Nothing,” she soothed. She pulled him back into bed. “Everything is fine. Claire wants to kill him is all.”

Roman grunted, settling back against his pillow. “I don’t blame her. Abel is annoying.”

“He’s your best friend. One of them anyway,” she added, knowing Roman was blessed with a few.

“So? That doesn’t mean he isn’t annoying. In fact, it means I know just how frustrating he can be. I feel sorry for Claire,” he admitted.

“Those two are cute together.”

Roman groaned, covering his face with his forearm. “Please don’t tell me you’re still set on playing matchmaker.”

“I’m not,” Angela denied. She wasn’t a meddler by nature. Although, knowing Finn had the hots for Morrigan was even more tempting than knowing Abel had the hots for Claire. “Besides, I don’t need to,” she added. When he grunted, she cocked her head. “You don’t sound like you approve.”

Roman dropped his arm. “It isn’t that. I like Claire. What I’ve gotten to see since she’s come out of her shell is good. And I especially like her for saving your life. She’ll always have anything she needs. But Abel isn’t the type to settle down, Angel. He’s a man-whore.”

She narrowed her eyes dangerously on her man. “And you weren’t?”

He shifted uncomfortably, looking away. “We’re not talking about me.”

“Hmm, maybe we need to,” Angela decided, crossing her arms over her chest. She was naked and totally unselfconscious about it. “You look nervous. What exactly is your number anyway?”

He stopped pretending to find the wall interesting and looked at her again. “My what?”

“Your number. The number of women you’ve slept with,” Angela clarified.

Roman’s mouth fell open comically before he closed it with a snap. “You can’t be serious. I’m not discussing that with you.”

Angela wanted to laugh but forced a frown instead. He sounded like a virgin protecting his innocence. “Oh, I’m serious.”

“Angel...” Roman practically whined.

This time she did laugh. She poked him in the side. “Come on. Don’t be shy.”

“I’m not shy,” he quickly refuted. “I just think this is an entirely inappropriate conversation.”

“Why?” she challenged with a grin. “Come on. I’ll tell you how many guys I’ve—”

“Do not finish that sentence, Angel,” Roman snapped, interrupting her. He sat up. “Not unless you want me to hunt them down one by one and put a bullet in their chests.”

Angela rolled her eyes but wasn’t ashamed to admit her pussy clenched from his words. “Why am I not surprised by your reaction?”

“Because you have good sense.” Then he added with a huff, “Most of the time, anyway. When you aren’t talking about past lovers, that is.”