Page 96 of One-Way Ride

She felt Roman’s hands brush against her lower stomach, and she looked down. His large palm covered her abdomen where their tiny speck of a baby was nestled safe and sound. She covered his hand with hers, smiling at him.

“There’s a baby in here,” he said in awe. “When did you know?”

“About ten minutes ago,” she replied dryly with a small laugh. “I missed my period. It was due over a week ago, but I didn’t think anything of it. Stress often causes cycles to be irregular. Plus, I have an IUD. But last night I had a dream...” She paused, feeling a little shy. “It’s going to sound silly, but I dreamed you were holding a baby in a rocking chair. When I woke up, it felt so real, and it got me thinking about a few other symptoms.”

“I don’t think it’s silly at all. I think it’s wonderful. And I’m going to buy a rocking chair today. Where’s my phone?” He frowned, patting his naked chest as if it would be there.

She laughed at him, finding him adorable. “Easy, tiger. We have plenty of time.” He didn’t look convinced. She sighed. “We’re going to end up with a dozen rocking chairs, aren’t we?”

“Do babies like rocking chairs?” Roman inquired, watching her carefully.

Her lips twitched. “Yes. They like rocking chairs. The motion is soothing. It comforts them and helps them sleep.”

“Then, yes. We’re going to end up with a dozen rocking chairs,” Roman declared. He grinned boyishly at her, before his brow furrowed once again. “What do you mean by other symptoms? Are you sick? Do you want to lie down?”

He picked her up in his arms despite her protests. He held her close until he reached the comfy couch, then he placed her down. “What do you need?”

Angela blinked at him, wondering how she got so lucky. She held her hand out to him, wiggling her fingers when he just stared at them. He eventually took her hand, and she tugged him down. He objected when she pulled him on top of her, shifting them around until he was spooning her from behind instead. “This is what I need,” she told him. “As for symptoms, no morning sickness. I’ve been extra tired and hungry. And I noticed when I squeezed into that corset that my boobs are bigger.”

A contented growl rumbled in his chest. “If this is what you need for the next, what, nine months? I can get down with this.”

“More like eight months. Probably less. I won’t know my exact dates until I get an ultrasound,” she explained.

He snuggled his face into the curve of her neck, inhaling deeply. “You smell so good.” He cupped one calloused palm over her breast. “You’re right. They fit a bit differently now. I want to make love to you so bad.”

“Then do it,” she said, her body already tingling in anticipation.

He pushed himself onto an elbow, watching her expression avidly. “Is it safe? I don’t want to poke the baby’s eye out.”

“Oh my god!” Angela clutched her stomach, laughing until she cried. The cats even came to see what was so funny.

Roman narrowed his eyes, looking put out. “It’s a reasonable question.”

She swallowed down her amusement, booping him on the nose. “I’m sorry. You’re right, it’s a very reasonable question. But not one you have to worry about. Sex is completely safe during pregnancy, unless the pregnancy is high risk. We’re going to have to get creative as I get bigger, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

Roman levered himself over her, his gaze hot. “I can guarantee it.”


When all of his family was assembled in his office, Roman cleared his throat loudly. “I have news I want to share with you all.”

Luca practically bounced in his seat. They had told his brother the happy news earlier in the day. Roman wanted him to be the first to know. Luca was dying to tell Salvatore, but he had promised to keep his mouth shut until Roman could deliver the news himself. Angela was off telling Claire now, giving Roman a chance to have a small moment with the people who supported and loved him the most—the people who would be helping to raise their precious baby.

“Angel is leaving you to hook up with me,” Abel guessed with a grin. “She’s finally come to her senses.”

“Like hell,” Roman barked. “Angel is staying right where she is. By my side. But it won’t just be her there for much longer.”

Abel scrunched his nose. “Huh?”

Roman wiped his hands on his pants. They were sweating. “Angel is pregnant.”

Luca squealed and clapped excitedly, but the other three stared at him like he’d grown a second head.

Abel’s eyes were huge in his face. “Pregnant? With what?”

“Uh...” Roman scratched his head, wondering if it was a trick question. “A baby I hope.”

Abel looked at Sal, then at Morrigan, the three of them still silent, their mouths hanging wide open. Abel pushed himself to his feet, making his way over to Roman slowly. When he was standing directly in front of him, he blinked. “Roman, this is...” Abel’s smile started out small, but quickly grew and took over his whole face. He snatched Roman into a hard embrace. “This is the very best news I think I’ve ever heard.”