Page 95 of One-Way Ride

“It was,” Angela confirmed, before switching to Italian. “La colazione sembra buona.” She told him how good the breakfast looked.

He dropped the fork back into the bowl, meeting her halfway as she crossed the room. “When did you learn to speak Italian and Sicilian?” He squeezed his eyes shut. “Please tell me you haven’t known how to speak the languages this entire time. I’m going to have to apologize if that’s the case.”

Angela laughed. “Don’t worry. I haven’t hoodwinked you. Luca and the gang have been teaching me. I wanted to give you something back. Something with meaning.”

“I told you—” he began.

“I know what you told me,” Angela interrupted him. “And I believe you. But I want us to be a team. Just like we said to Godfrey. I don’t want to always be taking from you.”

“We are a team,” Roman assured her seriously. “You don’t take anything. You’re not a taker.”

She bit her lip. She was making him mad, and that was the last thing she wanted to do. So, she raised her hand, asking for silence before he could say anything further. “Complementi papà.”

Roman frowned, looking bemused. “I think you need to fire your language teachers.”

“Oh? Why is that?” she asked innocently.

He shook his head and snorted in amusement. “Because they taught you the wrong the words.”

“Did they?” She faked shock. She hoped she was pulling it off. She was incredibly nervous. “What did I just say?”

“You said, congratulations daddy,” he answered with a chuckle.

Angela thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest with her next words. “That sounds about right to me.”

He stared at her for a moment, a quizzical look on his face before realization had his eyes going round. She saw him swallow before he cleared his throat. “What sounds right? What are you trying to say?”

He knows, Angela thought to herself. He already knows what I’m saying. She knew by the look on his face. There was disbelief there, but that was all she could make out. She couldn’t tell if he was happy because he was keeping his expression guarded. Something he rarely did with her these days.

“I’m pregnant,” she said clearly. “I know it wasn’t planned, and it’s not even something we’ve spoken about. But I just took a test...” She produced it from the pocket of her satin robe. “There are two lines. And they’re dark. It’s definitely positive.”

Roman took the pregnancy test tentatively as if it was a venomous snake. He squinted at the lines. “Two lines,” he repeated. “But you’re on birth control.”

“I am,” Angela confirmed, becoming more anxious by the second. “But it isn’t foolproof.”

“So, you’re telling me that my swimmers are so strong they can bypass birth control?”

She thought it was a strange way to put it, but he wasn’t wrong, she supposed. “I guess so.”

Roman hooted, startling her badly. He held the pee stick up in the air like a trophy. “Wait until I tell Abel. I am the man!”

Angela couldn’t believe her ears—or her eyes. “Really? That’s what you got out of this conversation? How manly you are?”

He scooped her up, making her squeak, and placed her gently on the kitchen countertop so they were eye to eye. “What I got was that you have given me the best gift I could ever ask for.”

Angela twisted her hands in her lap. “Really? You’re okay with it?”

“Okay? I’m thrilled!” Roman practically shouted. “I’m overjoyed. I’m humbled. I’m also completely terrified. I don’t know how to be a father, Angela.”

She shrugged that away quickly. “Sure you do. Just ask Luca.”

His face softened, and he pressed his forehead to hers. “Damnit, Angel. You say the best things.”

“As long as Complementi papà is one of those best things.” She couldn’t help checking again.

Roman cupped her face, scattering gentle kisses over her cheeks, nose, and eventually nibbling at her lips. “I’ve never heard anything better,” he promised.

Angela kissed him deeply, before going completely boneless against his tattooed chest. She was so relieved. She was also just as scared as he was. She’d thought about motherhood off and on over the years, but it hadn’t been something she’d dwelled on. She didn’t think it was in the cards for her because she couldn’t imagine trusting anyone enough to have a baby with them. She could have gone solo, but her career made that tricky. The hours were long and often unpredictable.