Page 93 of One-Way Ride

“Ha. It was a simple next-of-kin notification until I learned that the daughter of the victims is involved with a fugitive,” Detective Rosier said spitefully.

Roman took a menacing step forward. “I know you’re not referring to me. I’ve never been charged with anything, let alone being a fugitive.”

Rosier stepped forward as well, getting in Roman’s face. “The only reason you’ve never been charged is because you’re rich enough to buy your way out of anything.”

“Rosier! What the hell? Stand down,” Aaron snapped, getting between Roman and his partner.

Roman glared at the prick until he backed off. Roman smoothed his shirt down, giving his hands something to do other than bitch-slap Rosier. “If that’s all, you can leave now. Angela is upset. She’s just learned her parents were killed.”

“Of course,” Aaron said. “I apologize again, Dr. Hawthorne. Rosier, let’s go.”

“I’m watching you,” Rosier growled as he walked past Roman.

“Have at it,” Roman goaded. “I can assure you that I’ll be contacting your superior to discuss the unprofessional and insensitive way you’ve handled this. Now, get off my property.”

As soon as they were gone, Angela spoke. “I’m not.”

Roman placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing reassuringly. “What’s that, sweetheart?”

“Upset. I’m not upset,” Angela clarified. “I mean, I am in a way. But not about them dying. It’s hard, but I can still remember the good times. The times when they were normal, loving parents. It feels like another lifetime, and in a way, I guess it is. But there was a time when they gave me toys, and took me to the zoo, and wished me happy birthday. But the times that came after that? Those are brighter, sharper memories, and I hate them for that. So, no, I’m not upset they’re dead. But I’m upset that I’ve been deprived of real parents. Does that make sense?”

“It absolutely does,” Roman assured her. “You articulated that perfectly.”

Angela was silent on the way back up to their home, and Roman let her have the quiet time to process, and think, and feel. When they walked in, the cats ran up to them, and he was relieved to see Angela smile as she patted them. The menaces wound their way between Roman’s legs all the way to the living room. He sat down next to Angela, pulling her close. Smith and Wesson jumped up, joining the cuddle pile.

“Roman,” Angela began after a time. “You once told me you would never lie to me. That I should be careful what I asked you.”

“I remember,” he confirmed cautiously.

She nodded, looking relieved. “I’m going to ask you a question now, and I would really appreciate an honest answer.”

“Okay,” he agreed. Honesty was important between them.

“Did you have my parents killed?”

He didn’t blame her for asking. He would have done the same. “I wanted to. And I wouldn’t have felt a single iota of remorse for wiping them from the face of the Earth. But my word to you means more than vengeance. I didn’t kill them.”

“I know you promised.” Her lips quirked. “I just thought you may have found a loophole.”

Roman smiled at that. “It sounds like something I would do.” He was happy to hear her small laugh. “But in this case, I didn’t. If I was going to kill them, it would have been more personal than a car falling off a cliff. Much more painful too.”

Angela didn’t flinch from his honesty, accepting him as he was. “Fair enough. What happens now?”

“I’ll contact my attorney,” he said. “I’ll have them get in touch with whoever is handling the estate and we can go from there.”

“I don’t want it,” Angela said quickly. “I don’t want anything of theirs. Knowing that house and their lifestyle was essentially paid for with my abuse...” She shook her head roughly. “I don’t want it.”

“Of course not. Whatever the will says, I’ll handle it,” Roman promised, hugging her tightly.

Angela sighed and snuggled into him. “Thank you.”

She was quiet for so long that he thought she must have been asleep, but when he went to move, her eyes were open. They were dry, though, which he was grateful for. The miserable cunts didn’t deserve her precious tears. “I’ll be right back,” he murmured, kissing her cheek.

Angela nodded, and he left her curled up on the couch with Smith and Wesson. He went into the bedroom, which was still more his than theirs. There hadn’t been time to move much of Angela’s stuff over—only the necessities. It was something he wanted rectified soon. He wanted her to feel comfortable. He wanted her to feel at home. He had something he thought might help buried in the back of his closet.

When he walked back in, Angela was thankfully preoccupied with the cats, and he was able to place what he was carrying next to the couch without her noticing. “Angel.” When she looked up at him, her luminous green eyes clear and her beautiful face shining, he was blinded for a moment.

“Yes?” she prompted when he remained silent.