Page 92 of One-Way Ride

She pursed her lips and gave him a stern look. “Not every police officer is out to get you. And even if they are, they’re just doing their jobs.”

Roman stared at her, wondering if she was serious. In the end, he could only determine she was because she was tapping her foot. “You’re a little crazy, aren’t you? I can’t believe I didn’t see the signs before now.”

Angela grinned smugly. “Too late now. You’re stuck with me.”

Roman grabbed her waist, hauling her in close. “I’m not complaining,” he promised, kissing her breathless. “I was just stating a fact,” he said after he pulled back.

“Hmm,” Angela murmured, walking to the elevator. “I know a few members of the police force,” she commented. “I’ve had to work with them in the past for various reasons. I’ve even been an expert witness in court a few times. Most of them are good people.”

“Some of them are good people,” Roman corrected her, holding the elevator door open for her to precede him into it. “Others are as dirty as a public toilet seat.”

“You would know,” Angela grumbled, shoulder-bumping him.

“That’s right. I would. Because a select few are on my payroll,” he divulged. “Including Detective Aaron Hill. He didn’t call to warn me, which is why I’m sure there’s no impending arrest. But he still should have given me a heads-up if he and his partner were coming here in an official capacity.”

“Maybe those warnings only extend to you,” Angela suggested. “And not me.”

“No,” Roman retorted firmly. “Anyone who is in the know has been made aware of your importance to me. Aaron knows better.” Roman was going to kick Hill’s ass later. They had a good thing going between them. He would hate to lose his most trusted inside man in the department.

Roman held onto Angela’s hand firmly as they walked to an office on the ground floor reserved for instances like these. His security knew the cops weren’t welcome in any other private part of the building unless they had a warrant. He couldn’t keep them from the public areas, but he still tried. The two detectives were already in there, standing side by side.

“Detectives,” Roman greeted them. “What can I help you with?”

“Mr. Romano.” Detective Hill nodded cordially. “We’re sorry to interrupt your morning, but we need to speak with Dr. Angela Hawthorne.”

“Why?” Roman asked bluntly. He shot Aaron a peeved look. The other man looked pained, as if he knew an ass chewing was in his near future. He wasn’t wrong.

“We have some information of a personal nature to share with you,” Aaron’s partner, Detective Rosier said, addressing Angela and disregarding Roman.

Roman didn’t like the older man one bit. He never had. But before he could tell the man to get fucked, Angela spoke up.

“It’s okay, Roman,” she said, patting his chest. “I’m Dr. Angela Hawthorne. How can I help?”

Aaron looked at her kindly. “I apologize for showing up like this. My partner tried your home address first, followed by the hospital where you work. It was only after I met up with him and he told me who he was searching for that I suggested he try here.” He met Roman’s eyes. “I had a late start to my shift today, and I’m still playing catch-up with my partner.”

Roman understood what Aaron was trying to say. He hadn’t known what his dipshit of a partner was doing until it was too late to get word to him. He inclined his head minutely, letting the other man know he was off the hook. This time.

Detective Rosier grunted. “Not sure how you knew the woman had taken up with the elusive Vincenzo Romano.”

Aaron rolled his eyes. “Just because you don’t keep up to date with the gossip, doesn’t mean I don’t. Mr. Romano dating her is old news.”

“It’s also none of your business,” Roman snapped.

“I apologize. We’ve somehow gotten side-tracked,” Aaron said. He met Angela’s eyes, saying solemnly, “We regret to inform you that your parents, Harold and Jill Hawthorne, were killed in a car accident in the early hours of the morning.”

Angela’s whole body jerked. “What?”

“We understand they were returning home from a party at approximately three this morning when they were involved in a single vehicular accident.” Aaron spoke formally but kindly. “There’s no easy way to say this, but they drove off a cliff. They were killed instantly. Our station was informed by the Dalton local police and Detective Rosier was tasked with notifying you in person. We’re very sorry for your loss.”

“I... I don’t know what to say,” Angela said, looking stunned.

Roman wrapped his arms around her, tucking her close when she buried her head against his chest. He looked over her to address the detectives. “Thank you for letting us know. Was that all?”

Detective Rosier stepped forward. “When was the last time you saw your parents, Dr. Hawthorne?”

Roman scowled. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Nothing,” Aaron said, frowning at his partner. “The accident appears to be just that. We were sent to notify next of kin as a gesture of respect to the late senator, that’s all. The Dalton police didn’t want to do it over the phone.”