Page 84 of One-Way Ride

When Teague made a pained noise, Roman spun on him. “What?” he said darkly. “What is that sound about?”

“She called me up a while ago. Um, it was after your fight. I wasn’t eavesdropping,” Teague was quick to say. “I couldn’t hear what you were saying. But it would have been maybe five minutes after that. She asked if I could access the last message on your phone,” Teague revealed.

Roman’s arm shot out, and he grabbed Teague by the neck, pinning him against the wall. “And you said yes?”

“You told me to give her anything she wanted, to follow her orders as if they were your own. That’s what you told all of us,” Teague stuttered quickly.

Teague had a point. Roman had said that. The moment they became a couple, he gave the order. The knowledge didn’t lessen the fear and rage overflowing in his system. He squeezed Teague’s neck one last time for good measure before dropping him.

Teague coughed, rubbing his throat. “I’m sorry, boss. I didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to see it. It was just an address.”

“An address of the man who wants to kill her,” Abel said coldly.

Teague looked like he was about to pass out and Roman left him to it. He would deal with the man’s stupidity later. Right now, he had to find Angela. Before it was too late. He ran straight to the elevator, the others following closely. “Damn her!” he snarled, punching the down button.

“She’ll be fine. We’ll get to her in time,” Abel said. But he didn’t look like he believed it. No more than Roman did himself.

They stepped into the elevator and Roman saw Colt head into the security room. Their eyes met fleetingly before the doors closed. As the numbers counted down, he sent up a prayer that his angry words with Angel wouldn’t be his last.


Angela pulled into the parking lot, turning her car off and undoing her seatbelt, but she didn’t get out. She looked around at the empty playground with the hazard signs declaring it closed due to maintenance. There was tape all the way around it.

There was no sign of anyone else, which wasn’t that surprising. The playground was old, backing onto a nature reserve, and there were no houses in sight. Just trees. And with the playground off limits, the little visitors it received no longer had a reason. But Godfrey should have been there.

Angela fumbled a little with her phone, double-checking the address Teague had sent her. She felt a little bad dragging the man into her mess, but she had been fairly certain he would cooperate with her. Someone she may never cooperate with again was Roman.

Tears pricked her eyes, and she dashed them away impatiently. She didn’t have time to dwell on their fight. She was there to do a job, and she was determined to do it right. Glancing to the passenger seat, she double checked her Smith and Wesson gun was ready and waiting. This would be the first time she used it. When a familiar form walked out of the trees and sat down on the bench facing the swings, Angela picked up the gun and got out.

Godfrey was facing away from her. The familiar angles of his body, even from the back, were enough to cause a visceral reaction. She shuddered, coming to a stop. Her grip on the stock became sweaty, and she warned herself not to vomit all over her shoes. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, telling her she was being watched. She needed to keep moving.

Coming up behind him, she pressed the muzzle of her gun against the back of his head. He stiffened but didn’t move otherwise.

“Roman, this isn’t the best way to begin our meeting,” Godfrey said.

“Not Roman, asshole,” Angela hissed through clenched teeth. “There’s been a change of plans.”

Godfrey raised his hands, and she took a step back, allowing him to stand up and face her.He smiled. “Princess, this is a surprise.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. There was something about his tone that didn’t sit right with her. “You don’t look all that surprised. Or worried.”

He shrugged, ignoring her comments and asking, “Where’s your lover?”

“Not coming.” Her voice was clipped.

Godfrey clapped his hands slowly. “Well, isn’t this a lovely twist.”

Angela gripped the butt of her gun tighter, leveling it at his chest. “You won’t think so soon. I’m here to kill you.”

Godfrey’s eyes widened, causing the pink birthmark to move. She tracked it with her eyes, remembering all the times she had focused on it, ensuring she retained the one identifying feature.

“Are you now? Fascinating,” he remarked. “And how do you intend to do that?”

“What the hell? Are you blind?” Angela shook her gun. “With this gun. It isn’t a toy.”

Godfrey nodded his head solemnly. “I see. And do you think you can pull that trigger before my men do? I assure you, they are all expert marksmen. They’ll kill you before you can get a shot off.”

“They?” She looked around, not seeing anyone else. “You’re only supposed to have one man with you. That was the deal.”