Page 60 of One-Way Ride

Abel snickered, while Sal looked horrified. “At least I didn’t lose my virginity when I was twenty-one!” he fired back.

Claire gaped at the huge tattooed man sitting beside her. “You were a virgin until you were twenty-one?”

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Angela pointed out, helping Luca bring all the food to the table.

“There’s not, no,” Abel agreed. “It’s just not common in the environment we grew up in.”

“You’ve got that right,” Roman said, passing out the wine. “Not with so many thots around.”

Angela stared at him. “What in the world is a thot?”

Roman froze with his wine glass at his lips. “Um, it’s slang for a promiscuous woman.”

“That’s putting it nicely. It stands for That Ho Over There,” Luca helpfully explained.

“Well, that’s charming,” Angela said sarcastically.

“And so respectful to women,” Claire deadpanned.

Roman looked chagrined, his gaze darting to Sister Pip. “I’m not sure this is an appropriate conversation to have, given the company.”

Everyone turned to the nun, who was quietly dishing out her food. She smiled serenely. “Please, don’t change the topic on my account. I myself was eighteen when I lost my v-card.” She sighed, looking off into the distance. “I had three wonderful years of coitus before I took my vows.”

“V-card?” Roman questioned.

“Coitus?” Abel looked mortified.

Sister Pip laughed. “It’s slang for sex, dear,” she said with a wink.

Everyone joined in at that, then they began filling their plates with the amazing roast pork and vegetables. Angela nudged Roman with her shoulder. “How old were you?”

“Nope,” came his response.

She raised her eyebrows. “Nope, what?”

“We’re not doing this,” he declared. “We are not going around the table sharing information about past lovers. I have enough people on my hit list as it is, thank you very much.”

Luca smiled reassuringly at the Sister. “He’s talking about a metaphorical hit list, of course.”

She nodded her head, smiling a little. “Naturally.” She looked at Angela. “Have you had any luck with the ghost from your past? After the hit and run, it’s clear you’re still in danger.”

“We’re working on it. In fact, that’s why Morrigan isn’t joining us tonight. She’s off doing her thing,” Roman answered, receiving another silent nod from the nun.

Presently, Claire cleared her throat. “Sister, there’s something Angela and I have been meaning to discuss with you for a while now. We had an idea for the refuge. Perhaps we can add an animal rescue center as well. Not immediately though; I know these things take time. Having Mario and Luigi, plus Smith and Wesson around really highlights the need for animal services as well.”

Claire had been the one to suggest the idea of an animal rescue to Angela, and she loved it. They’d been planning to broach the subject before Godfrey came on the scene. Angela was glad Claire hadn’t forgotten.

“I’m only a vet nurse, so we would need to get a veterinarian on board to liaise with. Plus, it would need funding. But with the Lighthouse fully upgraded and running so smoothly, thanks to its generous benefactor”—Claire shot Roman a rare smile—“I figure there’s some wiggle room to raise funds for an additional cause. At least, I was hoping.” She started to lose her spark and look uncertain. “Maybe it’s a bad idea. You know what? Just forget about it. I—”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Roman interrupted Claire’s anxious rambling. “Truly.”

Angela could have kissed him. The others spoke up, adding their support until all the positivity and love in the room caused Claire’s shoulders to relax. She was smiling again when she next spoke.

“How would we even go about it? I know you and the other Sisters volunteer your time. Do you think the owner would be amenable? I mean, they’ve been fine with all the changes and upgrades so far.”

“I’m sure they would be,” Sister Pip said. She cast an unreadable look at Roman.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before clearing his throat. “Right. About the owner...”