Page 57 of One-Way Ride

He turned the taps on in the bath, fiddling until he was satisfied with the temperature. He bracketed her in, pressing her back against the mirror, delighting in her shiver. “I am terrible. But you love me anyway. So, who’s the real sucker here?”

Angela nipped at his lips. “Under the circumstances, I don’t mind being a sucker.”

Roman snorted, kissing her senseless for a brief, yet intense, moment. Then he picked her up and deposited her in the still-filling bath. He stepped in, maneuvering her until she was between his legs with her back flush to his chest. He tangled his legs with hers and wrapped an arm under her breasts. Her sigh of contentment made him feel ten feet tall, and surprisingly, very at peace himself—calm even. Two things he had rarely been in his life.

In the quiet, dim space of the bathroom, with Angel’s warm skin pressed against his own, he felt loved. But he also felt vulnerable. “I don’t want to go back to being the person I was before I loved you, Angel.”

She sat up, turning off the taps before she spun around, sloshing water over the edge. She took his face in her hands. “Neither do I,” she admitted. “But you won’t.”

“I will if something happens to you. I will if I lose you,” he told her, knowing it was true.

She smoothed some hair back from his face, slicking the dark strands with water. “Then let’s work together to make sure that doesn’t happen. Let’s slay the monsters together.”

Looking into her apple-green eyes, all he could say was, “Together.”


That evening, Angela made her way to Luca and Sal’s apartment. It was Friday and family dinner night. At first, Roman wanted to cancel, but she reminded him that Sister Philomena was joining them for the first time. Angela knew the elderly woman was looking forward to it and didn’t want to disappoint her.

Later, Angela, Roman, and a whole freaking entourage would head to the nightclub known as The Morgue. Roman’s new friends had agreed to help host the sting for Wayne Hutchins. Colt, Morrigan, and a bunch of others were already at the popular club, making sure everything was ready. There was no guarantee the accountant would even be there, but Beast had said Wayne was usually there most weekends. He’d missed the Friday and Saturday night before, so chances were good that he would show.

She still couldn’t believe Roman had agreed to her plan. Of course, it wasn’t just hers, not anymore. After they made love a second time in the bath, he had tucked her into bed, telling her to rest as he called yet another council of war. Once again, she’d called in sick to work, a fact she wasn’t thrilled about. But the sooner they caught Godfrey, the sooner her life could return to normal, she reasoned.

She knocked on the door just as her phone buzzed. Roman had gone on ahead, giving her some privacy to make an important phone call. Seeing the series of thumbs-ups and smiley face emojis, she inhaled sharply. The final piece of their plan had just confirmed. “No turning back now,” she said.

Luca opened the door, his handsome face looking fresh and happy. He quickly pressed a finger to his lips. “Shh.”

“Huh?” Angela said, automatically lowering her voice to a whisper. “What’s going on?”

Luca waved her into his home with a giggle. She followed him into the main living area, and what she saw had her stopping in her tracks. Abel was asleep on the couch and Roman and Salvatore were drawing something on his forehead.They were very serious about it, moving carefully and not making a sound. Though, Sal’s shoulders were shaking from silent laughter.

She covered her mouth with her hand as Roman turned and grinned at her. He looked younger all of a sudden. When they were satisfied with their task, they made their way over to her and Luca. That’s when she got her first full view of their ‘artwork’. “Is that... ?”

“A dick on his forehead?” Salvatore supplied with an evil grin. “Why, yes, it is.”

Angela rolled her eyes. “Oh my god, you’re such a man-child.”

Salvatore looked offended. “Hey! I resent that. Roman is as much of a man-child as me. It was his idea,” he said, throwing his bestie under the bus. “Besides, this is payback. Abel is forever doing shit to us.”

“It’s true,” Roman confirmed. He looked back at Abel before high-fiving Salvatore quietly. “It turned out great. He’s supposed to go and escort Mario and Luigi here for Sister Pip to play with.”

“And the dogs just happen to be with Claire,” Salvatore pointed out with a snicker.

Angela gasped. She smacked Roman on the arm, attempting to do the same with Sal, but he dodged behind Luca. “You’re cruel.”

Roman rubbed his arm with a grin. “We’re mafia for hire, babe. Cruel is our middle name.”

She put up a token protest when Roman reeled her in, submitting to his kiss and strong arms when he refused to relent. It wasn’t like she really wanted to be anywhere else anyway. Plus, she loved kissing him when he was smiling. It tasted different but was just as intoxicating as his lust. She was glad to see he wasn’t obsessing over the evening ahead. He’d spent all afternoon hyper fixated on every little aspect of their plan. He needed some fun. Even if it was at Abel’s expense.

They talked quietly for a few minutes before Abel stirred. They all paused to watch him stretch and sit up. He rubbed his eyes before swiping a hand through his disheveled hair, and his baby blues widened a little when they landed on the four of them. “Uh, hi.”

“Hi,” they all parroted back simultaneously.

Abel’s eyebrows winged up. “Oookay. That was creepy. Sorry, I fell asleep. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I sat down.”

He got up and ambled over. Angela was forced to turn away, as it was the only way she could stop herself from laughing at the very real-looking penis his forehead was sporting. The dick was fat, and the balls even sported some hair. What made it worse was the piercing at the tip.

It wasn’t just any dick on Abel’s forehead. No, it was Roman’s.