Page 29 of One-Way Ride

She blinked at him, looking a little stunned. “Is that your way of asking me to move in?”

Roman shifted from foot to foot, feeling nervous. That was exactly what he was asking. He had been thinking about it for some time. Since the moment he knew he loved her, if he was being honest. He wanted her with him every night. He wanted her with him when he ate breakfast every morning. And he wanted her with him when he walked into his home after a long day of business and torture. So, he gave her the only answer he could. “Yes.”

Angela hummed, one corner of her mouth lifting as she looked him up and down. “Ask nicer,” she demanded.

Something in her tone had his dick jumping in his pants, and his heart began to beat faster for an entirely different reason. “And what would be a nicer way to ask?”

She licked her lips, saying boldly, “On your knees.”

His breath caught in his lungs and his cock went from half-hard to steel in the blink of an eye. He met her sultry gaze and slowly lowered himself to his knees in front of her. He was gratified to see her hand shake when he reached for it. “Angel, I love you. I want you with me always. Not just so you’ll be safe. But because I want you to be the first thing I see when I open my eyes every morning and the last thing feel when I close them each night. I want the freedom to touch you whenever I want. I want to know you’re breathing the same air as me. And perhaps, most importantly, I don’t want our fur babies to grow up in a broken home. Their parents should be under one roof,” he added, nodding to the animals.

When Angela laughed, he grinned, suddenly feeling light. “Will you move in with me? Please?”

She didn’t hesitate. “I want to be with you always too. So, yes. I will move in with you.”

Roman wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. He hugged her for a moment, his head resting on the softness of her belly, while Angela ran her fingers through his hair. Then, before she could escape, he placed his mouth over the crotch of her pants and exhaled hard.

He hoped his hot breath penetrated the layers of her clothes to add fuel to the lustful fire he already had burning.


“Roman!” Angela cried out, clutching his hair harder.

Roman groaned, loving the sting. He cupped her generous ass cheeks, squeezing and mouthing her pussy through the fabric barrier once again. It wasn’t enough. He wanted her sweet flesh to be bare.

He stood and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. “Stay,” he told the animals, before heading to his bedroom. Correction, their bedroom. The knowledge was almost enough to make him come. Tossing her on the bed, he watched her bounce for a moment before he said, “This is our bed now.”

Angela flipped her riotous hair out of her face, her smile one of wonder and contentment. “Yes. Ours.” Her eyes went to the smoked mirror on the ceiling. “Lucky I like the décor.”

Roman’s gaze traveled to the mirror, finding their reflections even in the low light. It was late, and they had missed dinner. He should probably feed her first, but he thought his balls would explode if he didn’t bury himself in his woman soon. After removing his clothes with haste, he took the time to say, “You can change anything you want.”

“Hmm.” Angela followed his lead and reached for the hem of her sweater. “I’ll probably take you up on that. But the mirror stays.”

“Thank god for that,” he muttered, standing naked before her.

Angela moaned when her eyes latched onto his erection. “You really do have a pretty dick.”

“Pretty?” He looked down at himself, testing his girth and weight with his palm. “It’s not pretty. It’s manly.”

Angela laughed but kept divesting herself of her clothes. She only had her bottom half to go. “And how would you describe a manly dick?”

He thought about it for a minute before deciding, “Meaty.”

Angela tossed her panties aside, goggling at him. “Meaty? Oh my god!”

“It’s a step above pork sword. You have to admit that,” Roman grumbled. He climbed onto the bed, pressing Angela into the mattress as he settled on top of her.

Angela wound her arms around his back and her legs around his hips. “I don’t know. They’re both sources of protein.”

Roman smiled and shook his head. Then he kissed her, rocking his cock between her already slick folds. He knew she loved it when he pressed his piercing onto her clit. Their kiss soon turned urgent and the fun he loved sharing with Angel was replaced with lust. Not wanting to wait, he tested her readiness with his thumb. It slid easily into her wet hole, and he listened to her moan for a heartbeat before he removed it, smearing her wetness over her hip where he gripped her firmly. Then he entered her at a pace that tortured both of them, so he could watch her body open to his. He loved the way she gasped and shuddered, her hands releasing him to claw at the smooth sheets.

“Roman!” Angela shouted, tossing her head back. Her thick blonde hair spread out over the black pillowcase like a work of art. “Please. I need... I need...” she whimpered.

“I know what you need,” Roman murmured, gripping her hips tighter as he sat back on his heels. “I always know what you need.”

Angela nodded, her eyes wide and a little crazed. “You do.”

Roman retreated all the way until just the reddened head of his cock remained in the tight, wet confines of Angela’s pussy. He couldn’t see his magic crown, but he knew it was doing its job by the way his woman was thrashing beneath him. Then he snapped his hips, slamming back into her, reveling in the shocked pleasure that ran over her face.