Page 10 of One-Way Ride

The two words trembled out on an exhale and caused Angela to pause. She looked over her shoulder only to find Roman sitting on the couch with his head between his knees, breathing heavily as if he was about to pass out.

“Shit! Roman, are you okay? Is it your head?” She rushed back, dropping down in front of him. “Do you have blurred vision? How many fingers do you see? Wait, let me get my light—”

Her frantic movements were brought up short when Roman gripped her hands gently. “I’m fine.”

But she wouldn’t be deterred. He rarely showed so much emotion. Something was very wrong. “You could have a concussion. Let me—”

“Angel,” Roman said firmly, tugging her back down when she started to rise. “I don’t have a concussion. I’ve had plenty, and I know the signs.”

She sat back on her heels again, looking into his eyes. “But you’re crying,” she told him, reaching out and brushing moisture off his high cheekbones.

He looked at the solitary tear on the tip of her finger. “Relief. That’s a tear of relief. Not pain,” he explained.

Angela shook her head in confusion. “I don’t understand. You’re relieved because the boys beat you up?” Roman’s fast and furious scowl loosened the ball of anxiety in the pit of her stomach. It was much more like him.

“They didn’t beat me up. As if they could. It was a mutual beating. You should see them,” he asserted defensively.

She bit her lip, holding in her amused chuckle. “I’m sure it was,” she replied soothingly instead. His annoyed grunt was music to her ears.

“The relief is for me,” Roman explained. “If you’re willing to crack some skulls, it means you must still care about me. Even a little.”

She was confused. “What are you talking about? Care about you?”

His face shut down, going carefully blank, and he released her hand. “I apologize,” he said stiffly. “I thought...”

When he went to stand up, Angela pressed him back down. To her surprise, he tried to rise again, moving her body away from him this time. But she wasn’t having that. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but clearly, there was miscommunication of some kind. She gave him a shove, gratified to hear his oof of surprise when he fell back onto the couch. Then, before he could move, she sat on him, straddling his lap. “You’re not going anywhere.”

Roman looked pained when he spoke. “Angel, please. I would do anything for you. But I can’t be this close to you right now. I need space.”

She sat back as far she could, gripping her hands in her lap so she wasn’t tempted to touch him, respecting his request even though she didn’t understand it. “Why do you need space right now?”

His hands fisted by his sides, and he looked up at the ceiling. The tendons in his neck flexed, and his Adam’s apple bobbed from his harsh swallow. “Because knowing you no longer care for me, knowing you no longer love me, is breaking me apart.”

Her jaw dropped. “What the hell are you talking about?” she demanded, shocked to her core. “Roman, I love you.” When he continued to stare upwards, she gripped his cheeks between her palms, forcing his eyes to hers. “Did you hear me? I love you, Vincenzo Romano.” He looked adorably confused, and Angela wanted to kiss him senseless.

“But...” Roman began. “I thought...”

Angela rested her forehead against his, grateful and relieved when she felt his arms wrap around her back. “I’m sorry I made you feel this way,” she murmured, her words heavy with remorse. “I’m sorry I made you doubt what we have.”

Roman shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

Angela sat upright again, her brow furrowed. “Stop right there. Yes, I do. I’m used to being alone and not having anyone to turn to. Although I have you and the others now, there’s close to twenty years of conditioning I haven’t overcome yet. My first instinct is to run. And to hide. It’s to bury my emotions and pretend they don’t exist. It’s why I ran from you this morning, and why I needed time away. It was a trigger response. And although it’s understandable, it’s still regretful. So you’ll accept my apology. Or else.”

Roman’s lips twitched and his whole body seemed to melt into the couch. “Or else, huh?”

She did her best to maintain her stern expression. “Or else bad things. All the bad things.” He chuckled lowly, and she smiled. “Seriously, Roman, I want to make something very clear.”

“Okay,” he said, locking eyes with hers.

“Sometimes, things get fucked. And they can’t be unfucked. But that will never be us,” Angela stated. “Do you understand?”

“I understand,” Roman said, a smile kicking up one corner of his mouth.

“Good. Now kiss me,” she demanded.

“Yes ma’am,” he growled, capturing her lips with his own in a kiss so hot it made her toes curl.

She pulled back when she tasted blood. Looking at Roman’s beloved face, she noticed his lip was bleeding, his left eye had the beginnings of an impressive bruise, and one ear was red and swollen. She swiped his bottom lip with her thumb, wiping away the fresh wetness there. “What do the other guys look like?”