Page 67 of Milo

“Oh, God. What’s happened to Milo?”

“He’s screwing his assistant. That’s what’s happened.”

“And you found out today?”


“Well, Nature,” she sighed heavily. “I wish I had the right words or more comforting words but I don’t at this time. I think co-parenting Mason with Milo was a brilliant idea. I couldn’t imagine a better co-parent, honestly speaking. However, you have to decide whether you only want to be co-parents or you want to be more.

“From the look of things, you both want something more but you’re clueless as to navigating that territory so you’re tiptoeing around, stepping on traps in the process. It hurts, every time you step on another one. But if you two sat down and cleared the air completely, you could both clean the grounds so that you can frolic freely without the risk of stepping into another trap, causing more hurt, more pain.”

“Every time I think our time has come and we’re taking steps forward, something knocks us ten steps backward. As of today, this moment, I’m ready to co-parent with Milo. I want to leave the rest of it alone. I’m the only one hurting in the end, every single time. It’s time to let go of the possibilities, time to stop hoping and wishing, and focus on birthing a healthy baby boy.”

“I agree. Everything will fall into place just as it should. You have to understand that when the universe is ready for alignment, it will happen. No matter how much you want it, how much you crave it, how much you pray for it, how much your train for it, how much you cry for it, or how much you think about it, if it’s not time then it’s not time.”

Nodding, I silently agreed with my mother.

“Here. Take two of these and get my grandson good and full. It’ll help you rest better. A full belly and empty tear ducts is a recipe for great rest.”

“Thank you, Mom.”

“Always, Nature. Always.”

Even in her fifties, my mother was youthful, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Her beauty hadn’t fled with age. It evolved. She didn’t look a day over thirty-eight. I could only pray that I’d maintain her level of excellence after climbing the hill.

* * *










I rubbed the exhaustion from my eyes as I tried deciphering if the sound of my pager was part of my dream or a source of reality. The green light that glowed in the darkness the blackout curtains provided confirmed my suspicions. This wasn’t a dream and someone needed me.

Leaning over, I removed the cordless phone from the charger and dialed the number that I knew better than I did my own. Immediately, the phone was answered.

“Mona speaking.”

“It’s Dr. Dupree. What do I have, Mona? And who is it?”

“It’s Drea Ignes. She’s seven point five centimeters and will be pushing really soon. Will you be able to make it in, Doc, or should I get the doctor OB on duty tonight?”

“No. Tell her to hold that baby until I get there. I’ll see her in twenty-five minutes or less.”

“See you then, Doctor.”