Page 37 of Milo

Finding his gesture comical, I tossed my head back as giggles escaped my mouth, loudly and obnoxiously.

“I’m Zane.”

He leaned over, stretching an arm until our hands met. Zane’s smile was as alluring as his voice. His pecan brown skin was flawless. His eyes were large and curious and his lips were stained with evidence of his recreational hobbies.



His brows raised as his lips turned downward.


“A really pretty name. How’d that come about? What’s the story behind it?”

“My mother. Long story short, my mother and father went on a small hiking adventure the month before my scheduled induction. My father had a little free time, which was very rare. Mid-hike, my mother went into full, active labor. Before they reached the bottom of the mountain, I breathed in fresh air. I was born in nature, prematurely but perfectly healthy.”

“Ya people didn’t shit themselves, having a baby in the wilderness?”

“My father is a physician. My mother was a nurse until she retired early. My birth was the moment of her self-discovery. An awakening of some sort.”

“Damn. That’s dope. Do you live up to your name?”


“Are you some wildlife rescuer or some shit?”

“I’m not. I’m a physician.”

“Family full of doctors.”

“I imagine so.”

“What kind?”

“I deliver babies.”

“Bullshit!” he exclaimed.

“No. Seriously. I’m an OB/GYN.”

“Wow. Yeah. Very fucking different. I thought you were going to say you were a banker or a data specialist or something glass office, team of coworkers all racing for job security related.”

“I employ, Zane. I’m not an employee.”

“Forgive me,” he apologized, tossing his hands up. “Talk your shit.”

“That was in no way a moment of haughtiness. I’m simply a woman who has worked very hard to get to where I am. I just don’t want anyone to ever confuse it.”


I finished off my drink, still staring at his pretty brown skin.

“My time has come, Zane. It was a pleasure talking to you. I really needed that entertainment, as brief as it was.”

“Maybe tomorrow won’t be as brief.”
