Page 35 of Milo

“Thank you.”

Through the lobby of the hotel, I floated, ready to secure a room and rest my worries. The hole in my chest made it rather complicated to even think logically, but it wouldn’t be long before I could unravel in the privacy of my hotel room. That fact kept my head high and my chest out.

“Welcome to The Hammond at River Town. I’m Rebecca. How can I be of assistance?”

“Rebecca, I need a room with a fabulous view for the next two, three nights. The closer to the water, the better. I know this is last minute, so give me what you have.”

“Sure thing. Let me see what I can do. We had a few cancelations tonight, so you’re in luck.”

“Sounds good.”

Sighing, I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. The massive lobby was full of Berkeley’s finest, in addition to the prestigious out-of-towners who preferred lodging in class. The corner bar that I once loved so much caught my eye.

Pregnancy kept my system clear of alcohol, but a virgin beverage didn’t sound so bad. With the night I’d had, I deserved the closest thing to a drink that I could get my hands on. Settling on the idea of visiting the small bar later, I waited for Rebecca to give me some good news.

* * *

I admiredmy reflection in the elevator mirror. My stomach had grown tremendously over the last few weeks, but it seemed to be the only thing on my body growing. I was all baby. The twelve pounds I’d gained during pregnancy was hardly anything to complain about. Eight of them belonged to my baby boy.

The first trimester was hell. I lost eleven pounds and was wondering if I’d ever get them back. I managed to add an additional twelve to the mix for a total of twenty-three pounds. They were all in my midsection and chest. My breast felt like bags of sand. Removing my bra for any amount of time was like shedding anchors.


My phone vibrated in my hand as the doors of the elevator opened. Without checking the screen to determine the caller, I silenced the buzzing with my index finger and continued through the lobby. The pain that rested in my swollen eyes reminded me of where I was less than an hour ago and how I felt.

The visit to his home was supposed to be the paracme of my night, but quickly proved to be the decline of it, catapulting me into the pits of darkness. A simple dress, beautiful view, and corner bar at The Hammond were promising in efforts to relocate my light, the one the darkness concealed within me.

The silk pajamas were replaced with a strappy satin dress that clung to my belly and stopped right above the Hermès flats on my feet. In addition to the two-piece athleisure set I’d packed, the dress was the only piece of real clothing to claim in the overnight bag I’d packed for Milo’s house. My intentions were to be underdressed and overstimulated my entire weekend, but life had other plans for me.

Dimly lit with jazz serenading the guest upon entry, the little bar stole a piece of my heart immediately. I was instantly reminded of my last visit, when alcohol was part of my ritual and included in every recipe for a damn good evening. Tucking the dress under my bottom, I slid onto the bar stool with ease.

“What can I get started for you?” the bartender asked, drying the glass in his hand with a white cloth.

“Let’s see. Obviously, the part of the drink that makes it fabulous can’t be in the equation.” I chuckled, rubbing my belly.

“Figured when you walked in. Mocktail?”

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?”


“Well, yes. One of those.”

“Anything in particular?”

“Surprise me. Tonight has been full of surprises. Another one won’t hurt, right?”

“I don’t see why not.”


“Another one, coming right up.”

Smiling, I saved myself from more embarrassment by silencing another call. Milo’s persistence would not prevail in this instance. Over a decade of avoidance should’ve taught him something by now, but it seemed it hadn’t. After the call was silenced, he followed up with a text. On the screen, a long rectangle withMason’s Fatherbolded appeared.

Where are you?

“Here’s a lemon berry drop, hold the fun stuff.”