Page 2 of Milo

“I didn’t give it to you. Four minutes. Your ride will be here in four minutes.”

“Well, I’m N–”

“It doesn’t even matter, baby girl. You need a shirt or some shit to throw on?”

“That would be great. Are you always this rude? I don’t remember you being this way last night.”

“Probably because you don’t remember much of anything from last night. I’m not rude. I’m blunt. Honest. Upfront. I can bet my last dollar I was last night as well. It takes too much energy to be anything other than myself. Briefs?” I yelled over my shoulder as I began searching through the closet for a few pieces I didn’t care too much about.

The selection was much smaller than the one at my primary residence, so the options were very limited. I settled on a previously worn and washed white T-shirt.

“Yes. Please.”

I opened a fresh pack of briefs to pair with the shirt and headed back into the bedroom where my guest was finally up and stretching her naked frame. It became very clear to me why I’d chosen to bring her home with me.

Shit, she holding.

The possibility of seeing her again quickly increased. Suddenly, her name wasn’t a bad topic of conversation.

“On second thought, what’s your name, baby girl?”

I tossed the clothes in her direction. She caught them mid-air. As she leaned over to place the shirt on the bed, I observed. I could even see that ass from the front. But when she slid my briefs up her thighs and over her cheeks, I was intrigued. She was ridiculously thick. Conflicting thoughts led me to my screen, again, wondering if I should cancel the ride back to her car and order her another one in thirty-five minutes or let her walk out of the door in the next two.

“Yours first,” she responded, sucking the skin of her teeth.



“What’s your contact information, Neisha? Maybe we can do this again sometime.”


I jotted her number just before saving the contact. Knowing that I had a full day of scheduled events ahead of me, I decided to let her go about her day. There was a four-mile run waiting on me in The Peaks. I needed to get out of Berks and back home as soon as possible before heading to the office.

“Your ride will be here in about a minute.”

“Don’t be a stranger.”

“I won’t be. Not at all,” I assured her, watching as she pushed past the loveseat and out of the bedroom.

When my eyes lost sight, I moved through the room, down the hallway, and into the living room where she pulled the door open to exit.

“I guess this means I’ll see you another time.”

She turned slightly, just as her feet hit the threshold.

“Without a doubt, baby girl.” I nodded, unable to detach my eyes from her backside.

“I look forward to it.”

“A black Lincoln.”


“The truck waiting for you out front is a Lincoln truck.”

She smiled, lowering her head to watch the steps she was taking in the heels she’d slid into. Evidence of the night she’d had was all over her body. The itty bitty piece of fabric she’d worn dangled over her shoulder.