Page 22 of Milo


Her eyes shifted as she nodded again.

“Natural conception. Co-parenting. A chance to father our child if ever you decide to date again. First in line.”

“That’s three.”

“M. Their name has to start with an M.”

“Self-centered, much?” she tittered.


“Okay.” With a sigh, she continued. “But I have some rules and regulations of my own.”


“Monthly check-ins during the pregnancy. I don’t need you holding my hand the entire pregnancy. I can manage alone and prepared to. I don’t want that to change. I don’t need company at appointments or anything like that. We can meet monthly for check-ins. A common place. Maybe a restaurant or coffee shop or something of the sorts. We split ultrasound images.”

“Okay. Baby shower, delivery room, ride home from the hospital, you can’t say no to those.”

“Why can’t I?”

“Because you can’t.”


“What else?”

“I didn’t want a baby shower, honestly.”

“Alright. What else?”

“We don’t share supplies or bags or car seats.”

“From the delivery room and beyond, I’m there for every appointment. I’ll give you the pregnancy appointments. I don’t want to, but cool.”

“Milo, are you sure? I had this all figure out. I don’t want to drag you in—”

“You’re not dragging me into shit that I don’t want to be a part of. I’m no young nigga and I don’t want anyone birthing my child if their name isn’t Nature Dupree.”

“Thank you.”

“Nah. Thank you. I thought you’d tell a nigga no and send me on about my way.”

“Being that I didn’t, can you be honest with me?”

“I’ve never been anything but honest with you.”

“I know.”

She lowered her head. When she lifted it again, she released heavy, warm air from her nostrils.

“What is it?”

“Will you have time? Will you be there? I mean, really be there? Mentally, physically, emotionally, and not just financially? I can provide for a child alone. I don’t need you for that. Will you have time?”

Her father had ripped her heart out so many times that he was still trying to situate it in her chest. His obsession with work and the betterment of his patients left her and her mom scrambling for his time, attention, and emotional support. Financially, they wanted for nothing, but it was never enough for Nature. She’d trade the finances for his undivided attention almost any day.