Page 148 of Milo

“I love you,” he protested. “I love you, Nay.”

Over and over, he repeated himself, making me a firm believer. Between the words falling from his lips, my level of sensitivity, and the intensity of his stroke, I could not think clearly.

“I fucking love you, girl.”

The wetness of my gown exposed his tears before I saw them running down his cheeks. With my palm, I swiped them away.

“I’m sorry, Nay.”

Nodding, I assured him that I’d heard him loud and clearly. I pulled him closer, needing to feel him against my lips as I mounted.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered.

With sealed lids, I braced for the volcanic eruption that began within the pit of my stomach.

“Cu–m– Uhhhhhhh.”

Maintaining his speed, Milo continued digging into me. Tender to the touch, my body jerked with every stroke. Labored breathing and erratic movements continued until I felt him grip my waist, steadying me. Completely zoned out, he slid in and out of me easily, stirring my creaminess and continuously coating himself with it.


Never missing a beat, he helped me settle after the explosion he’d caused while meeting his own. The tightening of Milo’s muscles announced his arrival. The hairs on my arm stood as his movements intensified, eventually ending with his chest against mine.


Just as we were, we remained until our bodies grew warm enough to start a fire. It wasn’t until then that Milo released me from his grasp.

“It’s our last day, Nature.”

Sadly, I responded, “I know.”

“You slept the week away.”

“I know.”

“There’s too much pain in this room. Let me take you to another place. Somewhere just as beautiful. Somewhere you can smile. I miss your laughter. Just let me help you feel better.”

I laid in silence, considering his words. Because I had none to offer, I opted for alternatives. Grabbing Milo’s hand, I laid it on top of my stomach. Though flat, the gesture revealed the secret I’d planned to share with him in some elaborate pregnancy announcement after we returned from our honeymoon. However, I felt as though we could both use a bit of sunshine after so much rain.

Immediately, Milo sat up in bed. Staring down at me, he tried gauging my position and where my mind was. The faint smile that tugged at my lips but failed to fully form was enough to address his concerns. His features stretched across his face as he exhaled in relief.

“Real shit?”

Nodding, I confirmed.

“How far along?”

Shrugging, I admitted that I wasn’t sure. The lack of periods due to breastfeeding Mason made it complicated in terms of determining when ovulation peaked and our date of conception. However, I was sure that I was still in the very early stages. Five to six weeks, possibly.

“Tell me you’re happy, Nature. Tell me you want this as much as I do. Tell me this will all be alright, we’ll be alright. Tell me that we’re in this shit till death do us part. Tell me.”

“We’ll be alright, till death do us part, Milo.”


“Whiteboy,stop playing with my boy before I hold him up so he can kick your ass.”

“I’m just saying, his hair cut takes as long as these grown motherfuckers in here. Boy got a fucking noggin’.”