Page 142 of Milo

Staggering. She looked like a dream,my dream. Her cinnamon-colored skin was hardly concealed underneath the sheer veil. Not even the mesh could hide her beauty. The sound of Anthony Hamilton’s voice serenading us all as she made her way to me as promised was too much for my heart to handle. Leaning forward, I placed my hands on my knees, trying to steady my breathing.

“You a bitch, nigga,” Lawe whispered in my ear. “Handle this shit like a G, nigga. Stand up. Chin up! Bending over like you done dropped your fucking soap.”

He forced my hand, not letting up until I made him my best man. But even with the official title being given to him, I truly had four more best men. They all shared equal roles in my big day, however, I was happy that he was the one standing beside me.

Unable to avoid his comical presence, I found humor through the intensity of the moment. I mustered the strength to pull myself up. Standing tall, ten toes down, I joined my hands in front of me, nodding as his words replayed in my head.

Chin up.

Eagerly, I stepped forward and pulled Nature closer to me once she was within reach. The veil she wore was no match for me. I lifted it instantly, drawing her lips into my mouth and tasting her sweetness.

“That part hasn’t come yet,” Makai bellowed.

The entire congregation, that was filled with colleagues of Nature and mine. Neither of us were members of large families, but we had a plethora of associates that we wanted to enjoy our special day. The email blast I’d sent two weeks prior to the wedding announced our nuptials and the secrecy of it all. Nature’s email went out while she was in Paris with the girls.

“Ummmm,” she moaned, finally breaking away.

She was even prettier up close.


“Hey, baby,” I replied, filled to capacity. Her love surrounded me.

“I told you I’d meet you here.”

“And I told you I’d be waiting. You look so… so fucking pretty, baby,” I stuttered.

Blinking away her tears, she smiled up at me. “And you, you look so handsome.”

“I love you so much, Nature.”

“I love you so much.”

“Y’all gon’ let us in on your secret ceremony or what?” Lawe asked, bringing the crowd to their knees almost.

By the time they went home, they’d need a change of bottoms because he’d surely make them piss them. Between him and Makai, they didn’t stand a chance.

“Hush,” Kleu demanded.

“Well.” Minister Keaton chuckled. “Let’s begin with a very warm welcome to everyone, especially the bride and groom who both look incredible. Who gives this bride…”

Completely zoned out, I watched everyone and everything around us disappear, leaving us at the altar alone.

“You look like a doll,” I whispered.

“I’m so happy,” she responded lowly, so that only I could hear her.

“Today is your day.”

“Our day.”

We were both lost in one another’s eyes, taking the time to clean our faces with the back of our hands as much as we could until we finally settled and were able to control the rivers that flowed down our faces. So much time passed us by, neither of us breaking eye contact nor the physical connection that our hands maintained as words were spoken to and about us. It wasn’t until we were instructed to recite our vows that I snapped out of the faraway place Nature and I were visiting and returned to the banquet hall where our guests were waiting.

“You first?” she asked.

Nodding in her direction, I encouraged her to lead the way. She peered at me with sincerity in her eyes and undeniable love in her heart.

“Milo. It’s been such a long time coming, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now than standing before you, in front of our friends and family, confessing my love for you. I’ve never felt anything so trivial, yet revolutionary.