Page 136 of Milo

“I wasn’t planning on letting you.”

“Is a wedding in two months possible? I return to the office in three.”

“Baby, a wedding in two weeks is possible if that’s what you want.”

“I do.”

“No shit?” he belted, turning toward me to make sure I was serious.

“No shit, baby.”

“Nature, tell me you’re fucking with me.”

“I’m not. But I don’t want to pressure either of us unnecessarily. I don’t mind a November wedding.”

“Money talk. You not fucking with a square. I’ll pay a motherfucker to reduce our stress and get you down that aisle in two weeks if you want it. It’s September third, baby. We have the entire month.”

“So, October?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Okay. October.”

“Then, October it is.”

“Oh, baby. I love you so much.”





“Thank you.”

As we pulled into traffic, I cleaned the tears from my eyes, still coming to terms with the fact that I was about to be Milo’s wife. My plan was falling together so beautifully. It had taken so many years, but timing was perfect.

* * *

Champagne sprayedthe room as Makai popped another bottle, sending the room up in cheer. The energy in the room kept my spirits high and my cheeks higher.

“I want to propose a toast to Albert,” Makai started, “and his future wife, Hermione. I hate it for Mason ’cause the young nigga will never get away with shit. They know everything. And I mean everything. The only niggas I know graduating from college still in diapers and shit.”

“Whatever,” I chanted, amused by his narration.

“Nevertheless, I have been waiting on this day for a hot minute. A couple times, I thought this nigga had clipped the final straw, but oh how quickly I forget how us Domino boys slanging that d—”

“Aye. Aye. Aye,” Malachi interrupted, standing to his feet. “Forgive him. He’s—”

“Makai,” Milo shouted. “Don’t blame that on the liquor.”

“Sadly, I can’t. But what my brother is trying to say is, congratulations, Milo and Nature. We’ve been patiently waiting for this day and we’re honored to be included.”

Nodding, I clapped, lifting my glass as we all toasted.

“Pops, you got anything to say?” Malachi asked.