Page 110 of Milo

“Man, staying out of the way. Same shit, different day. Another damn Domino, huh?”

“Another damn Domino.”

“You need to quit playing and lock Nature ass down. That’s a good look for you, bro. I only met her once, but I like her energy. She done fucked around and gave you a son. Don’t let her slip out of your grasp.”

“I don’t plan to. I’ve wasted enough time and so has she. I’m getting that lined up right now. First chance I get, I’m walking her down the aisle.”

“That’s what I’m talking about, homie.”

“I don’t give a damn what you got to do to get here. Get here. I need you there. Front and center. Shit, even if I have to come to you.”

“Nah. Too much of a hassle. I’ll be there, Milo. You know I will. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”

“How’s the fam?”

“Man, good. Really fucking good. I’m about to have a son myself. Just found out about three weeks ago.”

“Yeah? That’s what’s up. I hope the nigga ain’t grown by the time I meet him.”

“He won’t be.”


“I can’t hold this phone too long, but I wanted to check in with ya. Tell them niggas I love them, make sure you tell Makai I mentioned him separately. You know how jealous that nigga gets.”

“A fucking headache. Love you, too, Ch—”

Before I could finish my statement, the line went dead. I tucked my phone back in my pocket, getting comfortable with Aussie right up under me.

“Chem?” Malachi asked.


Nodding slowly, he confirmed he was feeling everything I was. It didn’t matter how much time passed, we all missed Chem the same and wished circumstances were different. We’d loss our mother and father to death, Mercer to the streets, and Chem to his profession.

We understood there was no coming back for our mother and father, but I’d be damned if we didn’t want Chem’s return just as much as we wanted Mercer’s. The calls that only lasted minutes, sometimes seconds, simply weren’t enough.

“Aeir is starting dinner. She wants to know if you’re staying so she knows how much food to make.”

“Nah. Me and Mason will be out of here by the time dinner is done. I can barely hold my damn neck up. I’m tired. I think we’re about to go to the house. Pops robbed me of my last night with him. I’m about to make up for it since I don’t have work in the morning.”

As the words left my mouth, my phone vibrated again. This time, it was Nature. I held my hand up to halt the conversation between Malachi and I.

“What’s up, Nay?”

“Hey. What time are you bringing Mason home?”

“I’m not,” I informed her, yawning in the process. “He’s coming home with me tonight.”

Silence coated the line. I could see her face miles and miles away.

“You pouting?” I sniggered.

“You’re so aggravating, Milo.” Her voice cracked.

“How? What the hell did I do?”
