Page 100 of Milo

Over the loudspeaker, he yelled into my ear, but it sounded like a whisper.

“Wine. I’ll take wine.”

“Baby, they don’t have wine here.”

“Lemon drop?” I asked.

“Nah. I doubt that either. It’s hard liquor. Real hard liquor with maybe a splash of juice.”

“Uhhh. Any frozen drinks, perhaps?”

“Don’t worry. Sit tight. I’ll figure something out.”


Though I shouldn’t have been indulging again after the previous night, I figured one wouldn’t hurt. Zane returned within two minutes, though it felt like ten. In his hand, he held a yellowish drink that he handed me and I accepted without hesitation, putting it up to my lips and taking a tiny sip to make sure I was willing to commit.

“Ummm. This is good. What is it?”

I stood, moving closer to Zane.

“Not sure. I told the bartender to hook me up with something girly.”

“Oh, wow. Did you really tell them that?”

“Yeah, and I’m glad you like it. Just in case you didn’t, I bought this one, too.”

He handed me another drink. This one was a reddish tint. I decided to try it as well. It was equally as good.

“I’ll take both.” I chuckled, holding one in each hand, desperate to loosen up and enjoy my night out. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” Zane laughed with a shake of his head.

He was definitely a good time. Nothing felt forced. He allowed me to have my way while simultaneously remaining dominant and endearing. He was as sweet as he was tart. There was the perfect amount of everything within him.

Instead of sitting back down, I stood in front of him, swaying my hips from side to side while sipping from the first cup he’d handed me. Usher’s “Superstar” played over the speakers, encouraging the slow wind against Zane’s rigidness. With a hand on my hip, he held me in place, making sure I didn’t go too far or fall forward into the table that held bottles of alcohol and pitchers of juice.

The straw from the drink never left my mouth, bringing my sipping to an end as the song did. I set the cup on the table, wasting little time starting the second drink in my hand as Trina’s song, “Phone Sex” began to play. I remembered being a young girl, sneaking and listening to songs just like the one playing while my parents were downstairs. The volume would be as low as possible so that I could hear them coming up the stairs and change the selection if necessary. Music like so wasn’t allowed in our home or cars.

Right after Trina was Future. The music shut on and off as the crowd sang the lyrics along with him. Every time the DJ cut the music, it was as if a choir was singing.

“You telling me you falling out of love with me?” everyone sang. I’d only heard the song a handful of times, but I joined in, anyway.

In the midst of my performance, my nostrils grew sensitive to the smells around me. Not because I was in a new environment or because of my random allergy flares, but because I recognized a familiar scent among the others. It was loud, boisterous, and dominating, just like the man who wore it religiously. It was his signature, and I knew it well.

I ditched the straw and tossed back the rest of the drink in my hand, unsure of what was going on around me. The darkness offered little assistance. Suddenly, I felt like I was front and center, holes being stared into the sides of my face, neck, and back. My eyes wandered, dreading the moment they came in contact with my son’s father. Without a doubt, I knew he was near. I could feel his presence. I sensed him. I smelled him. And Isaw him.

Headed straight in my direction was Milo. As if in sync, when he moved, so did the three men who were in the booth next to us. I didn’t remember seeing a soul there the last time I’d peeped over. To my surprise, it was now filled with Domino men, all dressed in black, blending with the darkness of the atmosphere. It was their gleaming jewels that helped me keep track of their rapid movement.

Shit, I panicked.

Run, a voice screamed in my head.

Shaking my head from side to side, I began to plead with Milo through shifting eyes. Looking straight at me, he continued in my direction, not giving a damn about the look on my face or the panic in my eyes. When he finally reached me, I froze.

Stepping up and into the section that we were in without caring about the people around us, he leaned over until his lips touched my ear.

“You know you got me fucked up, right?”