Page 93 of Milo


A headache began knocking on the left side of my head.

“Where. Have. You. Been?”

“Out. Why?”

“Out where?”

“Milo, I don’t ask you all of these questions when you’re out, doing whatever it is you like to do when you’re out. Please, show me the same respect.”

“Nay, I’m really trying not to blow a fucking gasket. All that other stuff is irrelevant. Where you been and who you been with?”

“A friend.”

“You don’t have a friend. I’m your friend. Mason is your friend. Shayla, that’s your friend. And you talking about disrespect? You climbing in my bed, smelling like some department store cologne and telling me to respect you?”

“Can we talk about this in the morning, Milo? Please? My head is throbbing and I just want to get some sleep.”

Not another word was exchanged. I watched as Milo wheeled our son out of the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind them. I could still feel his energy once they’d left. Thankful for the dark, I was relieved that I hadn’t seen the pain the reside in his features. Unfortunately, the strain in his voice was enough to leave me questioning if coming over instead of going home was a good idea.

Maybe I should go, I thought, unsure of what was best at this point.

Before I could move an inch, the door crept open.

“Lay your ass down and don’t even think about hitting that door, either.”

“I’m not.”

They were the only words I could muster before he bolted again, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Instead of laying down, as I’d been advised, I headed for the bathroom again. This time to cleanse my body from head to toe, erasing the memories of my night with Zane until I left Milo’s home.


My heart achedas I stood over her, watching her sleep soundly, wondering if another nigga had contributed to her exhaustion and peace of mind. The last few months of our lives replayed in my head. Although there were some good times, there was plenty of pain. Nature was on the receiving end of all of it. That shit stung.

Even through my vexation, I knew her actions was justified. Did I give a fuck? I didn’t. Because there wasn’t a woman on my roster that could replace Nature. She wasn’t a fool, though. She was a calculated woman. Anyone she allowed in her space had potential.

Could the nigga replace me? Nah. But for Nature, a runner-up was just as good because she’d tried three times too many with the starting player and he’d let her down.

“Wake up!” I yelled, slapping her ankle.

The abrupt, rude method jolted her from her sleep. Satisfied with myself, I stood on side of the bed, watching Nature pull herself together. One of my white shirts covered her body. The front was soaked in breastmilk, a result of sleeping without a bra.

“Breakfast is ready. Your pump is right there.”

“My pum—” She breathed, rubbing her head in confusion. “You went to my house an– what time is it?”

“Noon. Get up and drain your milk before you clog a duct or be in pain. Make sure you dump that shit, too. We can test the next batch.”

“Thank you.” She sighed, grabbing the portable pump and strapping it to her body, along with the nursery bra I’d gotten as well.

After my run, Mason and I took Nature’s keys and her truck. I ran it through the car wash, filled her tank, picked up a few of her favorite groceries from the store, and grabbed her breast pump and a bra. We’d been home for two hours and she was still resting—until now.

Who the fuck is he, Nay?The words were at the tip of my tongue. Instead of asking, I turned to leave. The conversation would be had, but I needed her to get herself together before we began.

When I reached the kitchen, Mason lie quietly in his bassinet, eyes big and bright, waiting to be held. He loved being in your arms, right in your face. His silence and calmness was easily a result of his hearing deficiency but I’d concluded he was simply a chill ass dude, just like his mother.

“Hey, dude. You ready for some milk? You ready to fill that tummy, buddy?”