Page 53 of Milo

“Why are you so damn adamant about tussling with this grown ass man?” Pops asked Makai.

“’Cause I owe that nigga.”

“He misses him,” I interjected. “And this is his way of expressing it because he can’t process his feelings like a normal, sane human.”

“Fuck you!”

“Hey,” Malachi warned, pointing at Aussie.

“My bad,” he apologized, tossing his middle finger in the air.

“Aussie.” Aeir chuckled.


“Headphones, baby.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

Immediately, she pulled the headphones that were around her neck onto her ears. She canceled the noise around her, watching the iPad in front of her. I expected to see a silly cartoon on the screen, but there wasn’t a character in sight. A new word on a large flashcard appeared each time she swiped.

Of course.

“I love you and I miss you. Is there a way I can see you? I’d love to spend time with you, brother. It’s simple, Makai. Repeat after me,” I suggested. “Chem, I miss you.”

With flared nostrils, he cut his eyes in my direction. I leaned back in my chair, finding his discomfort enjoyable.

“Leave him alone, Milo. He’ll practice in the shower tonight.”

Everyone around the table doubled over in laughter.

“Nigga, go check on the cornbread. Big, sweet ass.”

“Ain’t shit ’bout me sweet, nigga,” Mercer replied, still chortling.

“Now, why would you call that man sweet?”

“’Cause ain’t no way that nigga did eight strong without no pussy.”

“Niggas do it all the time,” Malachi told him.

“So, you think your brother was busting niggas down in there?” I questioned with a smirk, knowing damn well he wasn’t serious.

“Or getting took down.”

“You hear yourself right now?” Mercer asked, standing to his feet.

He was utterly unfazed by Makai’s antics. We all were.

“Y’all really entertaining this dude right now?” Malachi wanted to know.

“Nah. I’m taking my sweet ass in here to get this cornbread out the oven.”

“Makai, shut up,” Pops finalized.

Mercer disappeared into the kitchen. When he reappeared, he was rubbing his hands together and clapping his hands.

“Time to eat, y’all.”