Page 41 of Milo

With a shake of the head, I dismissed her, pointing toward the door that I wanted her out of. Slowly, she sauntered, seemingly waiting for me to change my mind. Closing my eyes, I forced the words down my throat, refusing to indulge, though I wanted to bend her over in that tight ass skirt and make her pay for the turmoil she’d caused.

In the privacy of my home, the evening she delivered the papers to me, her advances were met with compliance. I gave Christina exactly what she’d been begging for since the day she was hired. Sitting behind my desk, realizing how it might’ve ruined my chances of rekindling things with Nature, regret taunted me. The second I allowed her to lower my shorts and attempt to suck the melanin out of my soldier, I fucked up, royally.


Slamming my hand against my desk, I released my frustrations. Simultaneously, a notification from my phone sounded. Taking a peek at the screen, I noticed the calendar notification included Nature’s name as well as a location and date.

Long fingers and a collapsed palm covered my mouth as I nodded up and down. Sheer joy replaced the frustration and uncertainty Nature’s absence was causing. I scribbled the time on the notepad that was in front of me out of habit and because if I didn’t write the words with my own hands, then I’d forget.

I’d always been that way. It didn’t matter how many times the calendar reminded me of appointments and meetings, personally written reminders was the only way to embed them in my brain without the possibility of forgetting. Our monthly check-in was upon us and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Nature assumed she wouldn’t be spending the evening with me tomorrow, but our synced calendar proved otherwise. As excitement crept through my veins, I began preparing for my next meeting. Before burying my brain in the notes from the previous meeting I’d had with Gamber and Sons, I picked up the line and pressed zero.

“Yes, Dr.?” Christina asked lowly, mind completely muddled.

“Clear my schedule tomorrow. Anything after 10:00 a.m. is a no for me.”

“I, um. I can’t. You have to—”

“Clear it.”

I ended the call, ready to focus.

* * *

The combative natureof medical dwellings as it related to bacteria growth and cleanliness left 90 percent of its patience shivering in waiting rooms for hours. Hadn’t the white coat that draped my body been present, I would’ve fallen victim to the field’s standards as well. Fortunately, I’d grown tolerant of the discomfort after spending more of my life in labs and facilities than I had in my childhood home.

Like a moth to a fiery flame, I was drawn to the sandy-haired, bronzed beauty sitting in the corner with her eyes planted in a book. I pulled the fitted lower on my head as I made strides in her direction. Her lack of awareness reminded me of her honorable and admirable traits. Wholesome, she was, and assumed everyone around her was the same until they proved differently.Honest. Centered. Calm. Patient. Simple.

She was so fucking simple, much like I wanted this thing between her and I to be but it wasn’t. It was as complex as the relationship between the neurological and psychological systems of the body. Though I’d mastered both of those, I was demoted and classified as a freshman on the campus of Dupree U. It was my very first day and I was determined to graduate with a master’s in all things Nature.

Standing over her, I peered at her perfectly straightened hair with slight bends that kept it out of her face. It framed it perfectly. The epitome of beauty, I could stare all fucking day without tiring. Our son had hardly altered her structure, but if he had, I could only imagine how much more her features would have bloomed, giving me a little more of her to love down.

Noticing my harboring presence, she looked upward, eyes shifting until they rested where my line of vision ended. The air drained from her lungs. I watched her body slump as her nostrils flared and eyes glossed over. Aiming to keep those big, heart-shattering tears at bay, she failed. Before the first one hit the white coat she wore, I caught it with the tip of my thumb. And then, the second one, I swiped away, too.

Leaning forward, I whispered in her ear, “No more tears, Nay.”

On my ascend, I paused, mere inches away from her face. Full, succulent lips provoked me, leaving me no choice but to rest mine against them before taking the seat beside her. Stunned into silence, Nature traced the edges of her sugared lips with the tip of her index finger, staring straight ahead in utter shock.

I folded the page of the book she was reading and then removed it from her free hand. I tucked it under my arm and replaced it with my hand. Her fingers stretched, reflecting her hesitancy and opposition. Slowly, gently, I pushed them down and between my fingers one after the other. When we were finally entangled, I brought her hand up to my lips and planted a kiss on the very back.

Nature remained silent, taking in more oxygen than necessary before letting it out. Appointments prior to the birth of our son were not in our agreement. They were specifically for Nature’s involvement only. However, circumstances were different. Things were shifting, or at least they’d start very soon. Her appointments were bi-weekly this month. Next, they’d be every single week. If I could, I wanted to be present for each and every one of them.

“I heard you,” I said to her.

Gradually, her head turned in my direction. Silence haunted us. No words exited her lips initially and until they did, I held my breath.

“Please,” she begged, sending arrows straight through my heart, “Forget that night. I have.”

She was asking the impossible. Her words had stuck with me, looping in my head like a broken record. Denying me access to her heart after claiming I could have it, wholly, was inconsiderate. However, she’d said the shit and there was no way she could make me forget them. Maybe she’d changed her mind but I hadn’t changed mine.


“Milo, no–”

“You can’t do that to me, Nay.”

“Not here.”
