Page 40 of Milo

“Because I don’t want to go anywhere with you, Milo. Not tonight. Tomorrow. The next day. No day. So, please, spare us both and don’t call the office anymore.”

“I won’t. I’ll just come through.”

That was factual. Nature knew that it was better not to back me into a corner but that was exactly what she was doing at the moment.

“Milo,” she sighed. “Listen, I’m sor—”

“You had every right to be there, Nature.”

Before she could begin apologizing, I cut it short. There was no need. Some things had gotten out of hand before her arrival. On any other day, she could’ve popped up without incident. But it was that particular night I wished she hadn’t.

“No, I didn’t and we both see where popping up gets you.”

The thought of walking into what she had made my blood boil. Biting into the flesh of my lip, I chose my words carefully, holding back the ones I really wanted to say.

“If a nigga wants his legs or his life, he ain’t gon’ be coming down ya fucking steps.”

“Goodbye, Milo.”


“What?” she sassed, but refused to end the call.

“I’m done pretending, too.”

“Forget everything I said, Milo. Those were only my pregnancy emotions talking. I meant none of it. I just… It was an emotional night and I needed support. I’m past that now. Those words meant nothing. Let it go. I have to get out of here. I’m being paged to come to the hospital.”

She ended the call immediately after dropping her bomb on me. Calling back wasn’t an option. She was on her way into labor and delivery at eight months pregnant. I admired her strength and resilience, but it worried me at times.

Though I encouraged her to begin her leave of absence, she refused to stay home until the baby was threatening to burst from the seams of her vagina. Boredom was not on her list of things to fall victim to while there were patients she loved and whom trusted her through their entire pregnancy that she wanted to see until the finish line.

“Good afternoon,” Christina cheered, stepping into my office and closing the door behind her.

I watched as she twisted the knob until it locked before turning around to face me. Falling back into my chair, I waited for whatever was next. Since the incident that happened at my home, she couldn’t resist visiting my office daily to see how much work she could distract me from.

As much as I hated to admit it, she wasn’t as easy as I wished she was to deny access. The back of her throat made me feel a little better about the bullshit her impromptu visit to my crib to drop off papers for the conference I was set to attend the next morning had caused. I wasn’t sure who had equipped her with the skills she possessed, but I wanted to buy the nigga a bottle of the finest on the shelf.

“Not today, Christina,” I groaned, still salty from the way Nature had ended our call.

Refusing to take heed to my warning, she fell to her knees in front of me. Her slim fingers worked their way up my thighs. When she reached the tip of my dick, her eyes lit up.

“Somebody seems to think otherwise,” she purred, rubbing my hard dick through my pants.

“That’s for my son’s mother, not you,” I informed her, sliding her hand off my thigh.

“Hmph.” She pouted, folding her arms in front of her.

“Get up. I’ve got shit to do. Let’s make this the last time you find your way into my office during work hours. What happened the other night was a big fucking mistake. It won’t happen again.”

“And yesterday, too? What about the day before that?”

“Get up, Christina.”

“Whatever you say,Boss.”

Chuckling, she rose to her feet and headed for the door.

“If ever you change your mind or want to feel a little better, I’m on—”