Page 144 of Milo

“Somebody get that bitch up out of here before I go to jail,” I advised.

“You ain’t said nothing but a word,” Kleu responded. “See, I don’t mind a few hours behind bars for a good cause because I’m ’bout to drag this bit—”

“Nature!” I called out, taking off behind her.

As if I was cemented into the ground, I moved like a snail. Though everything was happening in lightning speed, it felt like I was moving at a snail's pace. My long legs weren’t a match for her. She was out of the building and headed toward the awaiting car by the time I made it out of the banquet hall we’d reserved for our ceremony.

When I finally reached the pavement, the car she’d hopped into was speeding out of the parking lot. I patted my pockets for keys out of sheer habit, but quickly remembered that I was in a tux, on my fucking wedding day, and my car wasn’t anywhere to be found. We’d hired drivers to get us to the venue.


Malachi, Makai, Mercer, Chem, and Pops all joined me outside.

“Keys. I need somebody’s keys, man. I have to… Keys. Anybody got their keys?”

A hand on my shoulder made everything around me come crumbling down.

“Chasing after her and risking you both getting hurt on your special day ain’t the answer, Milo,” Chem said to me.

“Special day? Somebody jus… She ruined her fucking day, man. I need to get to her.”

“What will it change?” he asked me, tilting his head while waiting for an answer. “Exactly. What she needs right now is space and a little time to see that this wasn’t your fault and you have no control over other’s actions. If you could’ve prevented that, she knows you would’ve. She just needs time to realize you’re not her enemy right now. Whoever that bitch is, that’s the fucking enemy.”

“I have to go find her.”

“He’s right,” Pops agreed.

“Real shit,” Makai added.

I looked to Malachi and then to Mercer, watching as both of them nodded their heads.

“I’ll put somebody on it to make sure she’s straight. When you’re ready to talk to her, you’ll know where she is. I promise,” Malachi expounded.

Feeling the weight of her heart on my chest, my body weakened until my ass was flush with the ground. I rested on the concrete, unfastening the button of my tuxedo as I watched the guests file out of the building and make their way to their cars.

“I feel like I’m forever fucking over Nay. She a good girl, man. She doesn’t deserve this.”

“Don’t start beating yourself about this. You made her dream wedding a reality,” Mercer reminded me.

“Only to fuck it up.”

“You didn’t do that. Someone else did,” he elaborated.

“The same motherfucker that’s been the source of her pain since she was eight months pregnant. You think she trying to forgive a nigga after this?”

“There’s nothing to be forgiven, Milo. You’re blinded by pain right now and don’t see it. Soon, you will. Nature will, too.” Calmly, Chem voiced. “And when she does, pay for this shit all again. You got it. Show you ain’t afraid to spend it to make up for the next motherfucker’s maliciousness.”

For the first time in the last few minutes, I agreed.

“I have to get out of here, bro. I’m leaving a line open for you. Call me if you need me. The number is in the pocket of your jacket.”

“You had room in that tight motherfucker?”

I didn’t have the strength to laugh at Makai’s joke. This was no laughing matter. My baby was hurting and I needed to get to her.


The dim lightsof the cabin shined against Mason’s dark skin. It was black and perfect, just like his father’s. The hollowness in my spirit ached. Even the thought of him, the thought of us, hurt. Closing my eyes, I tried blocking out the pain but it was impossible.