Page 140 of Milo

Milo, still speechless, took a few steps back, trying to gather his thoughts and find words. Hearing his soundless brother and knowing exactly what he needed without words, Chem stepped forward and grabbed Milo. The two embraced, openly displaying their love for one another and the appreciation for the filled void that Chem’s absence created. Tears cascaded down Milo’s cheeks.

“Bro,” he cried.

“I know, nigga. I know.”

Knowing that they needed the moment to themselves, I made my way to the plane where I climbed the steps. I took a final look over my shoulder, admiring the pure, unfiltered love that I was witnessing. When I finally made it onboard, everyone was waiting, ready to make their way to Paris.

“Not she don’t want to leave her nigga,” Kleu scoffed, making everyone onboard laugh.

“She has no other choice. I really need this break.”

“We’re going to double the fun. Bachelorette party in pear–ee,” Kleu taunted.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” I agreed. “Tell the pilot we’re ready when he is!”

“I know that’s right, babe!” Shayla cheered.

I got comfortable in the designated seat, leaning my head against the cushion with one thing on my mind.God, I love that man.


“There,”Pops said, stepping back to marvel at his work. “How does that feel?”

“It feels fine, Pops.”

“Good. Good.”

The tux that he’d made sure was pressed by his own hands fit perfectly.

“Son, I just want to tell you that I’m proud of ya. Ya know? I never doubted you once, always knew she was the one. I’m just happy you didn’t waste another second letting her know. I’d be rolling over in my grave if you let me get out of here without seeing you walk down that aisle.”

“Don’t talk like that, old man.”

“I’m just saying, Milo. I’m not superhuman. I can’t live forever.”

“I wish you could,” I admitted, feeling the strain in my voice from the overflow of emotions.

Since I’d asked Nature to be my wife, I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes dry or my heart from aching. Our wedding and the week leading up to it unburied so many unwanted feelings of mine that I’d tucked away so many years ago. This week was such an eye opener, revealing just how deep my pain ran, and just how long I’d been running from it.

“No you don’t, Milo. You just think you do. It would kill me to live to see any one of you leave me. I’m supposed to go first.”

“I know. I just don’t want it to happen. I don’t think my heart can take it.”

“Baby boy.” Rubbing my back, he smiled at me. “You’ll be alright.”

“Pops, you believe in that wedding luck stuff?”

“Not at all. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. Why?”

“Because I need to see her. I need to hear her voice.”

“Better not be cold feet, Milo.”

“I’ve already married her, Pops. My feet warm. This is just the lightshow. The real magic took place Wednesday, just us two.”

“Well, I don’t think it would hurt. However, I doubt if those girls will let you get to her because they damn sho believe in that shit.”

“I need the room.”