Page 138 of Milo

“Hey.” Smiling, I looked down at him.


The wetness on my dress startled me, exposing his true state. Immediately concerned, I covered his face with my hand, reserving his emotions for us, shielding everyone else out momentarily.

“Everything okay?”

“Perfect, Nature. Everything is perfect.”

Tears fell from his beautiful eyes, forcing me to spring into action. Still shielding his face, I slid my chair backward.

“Come with me.”

I stood, pulling him to his feet as well. Without resistance, he followed me into the hallway that led to the restrooms. My feet didn’t stop moving until we were alone, in a space where it wasn’t likely we’d be interrupted.

“Milo, are you okay?”

“Yes, baby. I’m good. I’m just… I wish my people were here.”

My heart broke for him.

“Moms would be proud of me, ya know. Pops, ah, Nature, he’d be having a ball tonight, knowing his boy was becoming a man. A real fucking man. Because that’s what you’ve made me. They’d love you. They’d love Mason. They’d… Fuck, man. She– he should’ve just let them help her. He should’ve just left her at the facility. I’d rather have pieces of her than none of them. I was going to make her better. I just needed a couple of years. I was well on my way. I was going to fix it, fix her. She didn’t have to just… She just killed him, baby, then killed herself.”

“She was sick, Milo.”

“I know, baby, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less.”

“I understand. I understand. I’m so sorry.”

“Nah. I’m sorry. I’m not trying to ruin this night for you, for us. Shit just got my chest hurting.”

“Milo, you’re not ruining my night. My night is perfect, even now. Good days. Bad days. Good moments. Bad moments. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

“I know. I know, Nay.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I don’t know. Seeing everybody so happy is hurting me and healing me at once. It’s like I can’t have one without the other.”

“Then we’ll leave.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure, baby. We’ve been here for two hours. We can leave. I don’t mind.”


“I’ll let everyone know we’re taking off. I’ll meet you at the truck, okay?”


Before taking off, I kissed his lips and then his forehead, wishing I could take away his pain or at least ease it. The defeat sat on his shoulders like bricks as he took off in the other direction.

Oh baby, I crumbled inside, watching him from afar.

By the time I made it back to the truck, Milo was waiting with the engine running.

“I can drive if you’d like.”