Page 105 of Milo

“I don’t want to. I want sleep.”

“We ain’t doing that, either.”

“Then take me home.”

“Erase that nigga number out of your phone and block his ass. Busy yourself with that and let me worry about the rest.”

“Milo, I thought we were past that.”

“I’m glad we can both agree on that.”

“You’re so annoying.”

I maneuvered in the seat until I was comfortable. No matter how I twisted or turned, I was unable to settle. Milo’s long arm stretched across the truck, landing on my thigh. It was at that moment that I sighed, closing my eyes and settled in. Within seconds, I was counting sheep.


The bright lightsand cool setting reminded me of every medical office I’d stepped into since pursuing a career in medicine. It wasn’t until then that I realized they were all alike with an array of furniture that made them look different. However, they all felt the same. Brick.

“Hi. Can I help you?” the receptionist asked, wasting her breath.

The one-person suite made it rather easy to locate my target.

“Excuse me, sir. Sir.”

I could hear the receptionist as she stumbled behind me, trying to keep up with my legs, which looked about twice the length of hers. They were the longest things on my six foot six frame. She didn’t stand a chance. Within seconds, I was pushing open the door with Newk + Company Trucking sprawled across.

Behind the desk sat the nigga that was responsible for the soreness of my knuckles this morning. By the discoloration of his skin, I wasn’t the only one in pain. The eventful night had left us both with unpleasant memories. Wasting no time, I got straight down to business. I had shit to do and it didn’t involve prancing around this nigga’s office.

“Listen, my nigga, it’s best you stay away from that one ’cause I’m pulling up every time ’bout it. That pussy there, it belongs to me and I’ma suck and fuck that motherfucker until the death of me. You feel me? Unless you ready to lay down ’bout it, then I suggest you keep it pushing, partner. These are problems you and any nigga you run with want to run from. Understand?”

“At my place of business, though, homie?”

“At ya crib. At ya momma’s house. At Granny’s spot. At the gas station. The grocery store. It makes me no difference. The message remains the same. Come up off that one or it’s up. I don’t give a fuck where we at.”

Nodding, he remained silent, gnawing on his bottom lip.

“And go get ya fucking eye checked out. That shit looks painful. Send me the bill. It’s on me.”

I reached forward, tipped over the cup of toothpicks and shook until one slid out. I popped it into my mouth and made my way out of the door. I shut it back, but not before hearing the receptionist begin her line of questioning.

“Do you want me to call the police?” she asked frantically.

“Nah. I respect the nigga’s gangster. I ain’t even hit the pussy yet, but I have a feeling it would have me acting like that, too. Get back to work.”

With a tilt of the head, I continued on my way, headed to Nature’s so that I could officially get my day started. I figured another week away from the desk wouldn’t hurt. I had a task list longer than my frame and every task on that motherfucker involved Nature. Until I got shit right with her, the office wouldn’t see me.

My priorities were set in stone. There was no second-guessing and no sugarcoating it anymore. Burying myself in work was only a temporary solution. Nature and Mason were the solutions of a lifetime. I needed to make sure they were covered before stepping foot behind my desk.

I hopped into my ride and peeled off. The engine was still running and my music was still pumping. The second Makai forwarded the information to me, I made my way across town to holler at the nigga Zane. I wouldn’t be able to focus on the tasks at hand until I handled that. Makai suggested I waited for him, but that was impossible. If I needed him, I knew he was in route, which was good enough.

Handled,I shot over to him through text.

Hardheaded ass nigga. Do I need to slide by, anyway? Reinforcement never hurt.

Nah. He got the point.

I knew that my last message was pointless and Makai would slide regardless. Yet, I sent it anyway, hoping he’d listen for once.