Page 22 of Desire

Gasping, I wonder if this is a new form of interrogation, because it’s fucking working. “N-nooo,” I moan.

Blue eyes look up at me, and there are questions burning in them. Attempting to get up, Grayson stops me by using his teeth on my nipple. “Oh shit,” I whisper, eyes widening as he winks at me.

“I’m not done with my questions yet, Dangerous Girl,” he says.

“I’m not dangerous,” I respond immediately, asking myself if you can be dickmatized without the dick.

Grunting, his hands run down my skin, his fingers twist the waistband of my bottoms teasingly. “How innocent are you?”

For the first time with him, I feel a tendril of fear. Seeing this, he immediately releases me. “Silla,” he says carefully.

“I can’t do this,” I tell him, pushing him away to stand, and rearranging my clothing. My throat is closing up, and where I was able to forget how small the room is, the reminder is staring at me. “I have to go!”

Walking quickly away from him, I feel a rush of shame and futility. I’m never going to survive this place.

“Silla, fucking wait,” he grumbles, grabbing my arm and turning me around. “Look at me!”

Breathing hard, color high in my cheeks, tears threatening in my eyes, I do.

“I’m going to ask you one more fucking time. How innocent are you?” Grayson asks so softly that I can barely hear him.

“You’ve already figured everything out, because you’re omniscient,” I tell him, and every tear that begins to fall feels as if it’s scalding me. I don’t cry. “My history,” I emphasize as I paraphrase him, “means that I need a full physical and medical work up.”

My chest is heaving now, and I raise my hand to it, willing myself to calm down.

“Silla,” Grayson says, regret coloring his voice.

“You don’t get to say my name like that. Just leave me alone. I’ll lose my virginity in front of a crowd instead. Every girl’s dream!” I scream at him. Dashing my tears away, I shake my head as I glance at the clock on the wall. “Fuck, I’m going to be late.”

Breaking away from him, I walk out of his office, beginning to run when I hear him behind me. So much has happened since yesterday when he told me not to make him chase me. Each step makes me angrier and angrier that I lost my shit, driving away the panic now that I’m out of his presence. Ducking into a bathroom to wash my face, I let a single sob escape before buttoning it all away. I may collapse and cry in the solace of my room, but I need to reconstruct my armor for now.

Fucking Grayson. He’s more dangerous to me if anything, and now he knows one of my biggest secrets. Drying my face, I crumple up the paper towel to throw it away, leaving the bathroom behind me.

I only have to ask for help twice, and after one wrong turn, manage to retrieve my textbook from my room to go to class. Slipping into the room that’s been converted into a laboratory, I slip into a seat just a few minutes before class begins.

“Nice of you to join us, Miss Tremaine,” Sidney murmurs, and I nod, ignoring him.

I should be nervous right now, but after my blow up with the Warden, I feel calm. Whatever happens at this point, happens.



“Ineed to have some secrets in order to survive here…”Her words replay on repeat to me over and over. The way she looked at me every time that I said something cruel, the confusion. Fuck, I have a Godsdamn virgin in one of my programs. If she’d been assigned to be a hacker or in intelligence, this would be less of a problem, but her beauty and trumped up charges made Section B a foregone conclusion.

I want to know why she’s here now. I stopped chasing her the moment she started to run. I didn’t lie the other day, I love a good chase. There was a primal instinct triggered to catch, spank, and fuck her, but she’s in no way ready for that.

Ignoring the fact that I need to find the staff member who was knocking earlier, I’m grateful that there was no one in the halls to have heard Silla and I screaming at each other. The walls are pretty thick, but I still worry.

My feet carry me to Isaac’s office before I can think about it. He did her assessment yesterday, so I’m going to start here for some answers.

Knocking on his door, he calls out for me to come in, even though it’s late. Isaac is one of the only staff members who does work outside of the camp, so he can usually be found here.

“Hey Isaac, I have a few questions about the Tremaine girl,” I tell him as I step inside, closing the door behind me, and his brow raises.

“Yeah, boss. Can I ask what section she was assigned? Silla did really well on her assessment,” Isaac says.

Sighing heavily, I sit down in front of him. “She’s in Section B,” I mutter.